Journals | SFA ScholarWorks | Stephen F. Austin State University Research


Barrio Writers

ISSN: 2692-6601

Barrio Writers (BW) is a non-profit creative writing program, founded in 2009 by author Sarah Rafael García, which provides free college level writing workshops to teenagers in underserved communities.

Barrio Writers participants receive college-level workshops to build skills in reading, grammar, creative writing, critical thinking and freedom of expression through cultural arts. The week-long session includes guest writers, who serve as role models in our neighborhoods and support youth aspirations.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Certified Public Manager® Applied Research

ISSN: 2692-658X

Introductory text for Certified Public Manager® Applied Research.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

We are pleased to be hosted on SFASU's repository.

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CRHR Research Reports

The crhr research reports serve as the digital outlet for multidisciplinary project reports produced by crhr research associates, affiliates, and fellows. We welcome manuscripts from others working in our region and beyond, and look forward to further exploring issues relating to the practice of geography, history and anthropology. Additionally, we seek to incorporate full-color figures, videos and 3D models where possible. Volumes include original research articles, technical reports, monograph-length pieces of scholarship, and special publications.

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East Texas Historical Journal

ISSN: 0424-1444

The East Texas Historical Association is committed to research into the unique role of East Texas in the history of Texas and the United States, the preservation and enhancement of East Texas’s historical heritage, and to publish and make known the rich history with which this part of Texas is endowed.

This Journal is made possible by our members, sponsors, and donors. Join ETHA at

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Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State

ISSN: 2475-9333

It is the mission of the Index of Texas Archaeology to digitally curate, aggregate, and distribute redacted digital proxies of scarce, limited-production, and born-digital archaeological works produced throughout the State of Texas and adjacent regions. The Index of Texas Archaeology adheres to best practices as they relate to the curation of digital resources that are distributed in an open-access format where they are easily found and downloaded with searches of this site or through Google Scholar .

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Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, and Practice

ISSN: 2472-131X

The Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, & Practice (JHS:TRP) is an on-line, peer-reviewed journal that publishes book reviews and articles based on research, theory development, case studies, or program and intervention applications.

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Journal of Multicultural Affairs

ISSN: 2639-8346

The Journal of Multicultural Affairs (JMA) adheres to the belief that the multicultural field is not based solely in one area or owned by a single entity. It is vast. It is beautiful. It is dynamic. Work pertaining to multicultural affairs can be found within higher education, K-12, scientific, spiritual, religious, and community enclaves. How is multicultural affairs defined within JMA? JMA defines multicultural affairs as the affairs that affect the many faces of society, disrupts homogeneous thinking, fights for social equity, and seeks social justice. JMA is focused on bridging the gap between all settings and seeks to provide a platform for our audience to share their work in multicultural affairs and to engage in vital multicultural dialogue. We welcome submissions in a variety of platforms: research-based, personal experience, and poetry. JMA will be published at least two times a year. In addition, Submissions will follow a double-blind review format.

Papers are accepted on a rolling basis. However, to be considered for the June issue, manuscripts must be received by April 1st. To be considered for the December issue, manuscripts must be received by October 1st. Guidelines for manuscript development can be found in the About This Journal section. Manuscript inquiries should be sent to: Co-Editor, Dr. Osaro E. Airen, at or Co-Editor, Dr. Brandon Fox, at

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School Leadership Review

ISSN: 1559-4998

The School Leadership Review is a nationally refereed journal sponsored and published by the Texas Council of Professors of Educational Administration and is designed to offer a publishing opportunity to professors of educational leadership across the country on topics related to school administration.

School Leadership Review is published twice annually. The fall edition is general topics publication. Manuscripts for fall publication will be considered until September 1 each year.

The Spring issue is a themed issue that coincides with the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Mid-Winter Conference. Manuscripts for the spring publication will be considered until March 1 each year.

The theme for the Spring/Summer 2024 issue is Remarkable Leadership .

Research on the following topics should be a primary focus

  • Advocacy & Legislative Policy.
  • Assessment & Accountability.
  • College & Career Readiness.
  • University and P-12 Partnerships.
  • Instructional Leadership and Digital Learning.
  • Leadership development for equitable education.
  • Innovative Learning and Student Supports.
  • Transformational Leadership.
  • Innovative School Improvement Designs

Follow 7th edition of APA Publication Manual for style and reporting standards for findings. See  Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for details.

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The Journal of Faith, Education, and Community

Check out our latest special issue call for papers. Just click the link in the left column.

The Journal of Faith, Education, and Community (JFEC) publishes double-blind peer-reviewed articles related to the role of faith communities in personal and public well-being. The audience for the journal is made up of individuals and organizations who are interested in advancing research, learning, and practices influenced by faith in the community. Articles should promote good research, education, service, and leadership in promoting the role of faith communities in personal and public well-being.

The following list describes some (not necessarily all) topics that might be considered: Traumatic events, physical or mental illness, race/ethnicity, gender issues, education, law enforcement, aging issues, poverty, and substance abuse.

The Journal of Faith, Education, and Community is published annually. Guidelines for manuscript development are provided below. Manuscripts and inquiries should be sent to the Editors, Dr. Osaro E. Airen, at

Please see About This Journal for more information.

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The SCOLAS Journal

The SCOLAS Journal is devoted to the publication of discourse on Latin America from an inter-disciplinary perspective and invites submission of original, unpublished articles on Latin American Studies from all relevant fields of study, including but not limited to: History, Political Science, Literature, Linguistics, Anthropology, Art, Sociology, Music, Geography, and Pedagogy; as well as creative works, such as short fiction or poetry. Submitted articles will go through a blind peer review process. Current membership in SCOLAS is not required for submission, but will be required if the article is accepted for publication. Articles may be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

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TxDLA Journal of Digital Learning

The TxDLA Journal of Digital Learning is dedicated to supporting online/digital educators with insights for both scholarship and practice. In addition to providing overviews of new technologies and best practices, the journal also provides an outlet for a blind peer-reviewed opportunity for TxDLA affiliated researchers adding to the body of knowledge in the areas of educational practice in distance learning and digital education. Manuscripts in the journal present original findings resulting from quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research, as well as action research, practitioner articles, and book and product reviews. TxDLA Journal of Digital Learning.

The Texas Digital Learning Association

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Archived Journals

ATCOFA Monograph Series

The ATCOFA Monograph Series, launched in 2014, will publish innovative research that will touch upon issues relevant to the College, SFA and the discipline as a whole.

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Focus was a literary magazine published by the Department of English at Stephen F. Austin State College.

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Forestry Bulletins No. 1-25, 1957-1972

The Forestry Bulletins were produced by the Department of Forestry (now the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture). Authored by members of the Department of Forestry, these bulletins deal with topics relevant to East Texas silviculture and forestry in general, including Loblolly, Shortleaf and Slash Pines, forest conservation in Texas and the geography of the region. The entire run of bulletins can be found here.

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Imprints was the offical publication of Sigma Tau Delta, an honorary English fraternity at Stephen F. Austin. It is a journal of poems, fiction pieces, and essays from a variety of contributors and winners of the annual T.E. Ferguson Writing Contest.

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Journal of Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources

The Journal of Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources provides natural resource professionals an outlet for their applied geospatial research within a natural resource context. All scientific articles that apply geospatial technology to quantify, qualify, map, monitor, and manage natural resources are welcome.

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MLET: The Journal of Middle Level Education in Texas

Welcome to MLET: The Journal of Middle Level Education in Texas!

MLET addresses all levels of middle level education and various educational contexts, including public and private education in the United States and abroad. The audience for the journal is made up of educators who are interested in advancing research, learning, and classroom practice in the middle grades. Articles should promote good research, teaching, service, and leadership in middle grades education.

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This is a literary magazine featuring publications by students at Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College. Art work was supervised by Miss Minnie S. Martin.

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SFA Business Review, 1975-1978

The objective of the School of Business in publishing the SFA Business Review is to provide information that will be of interest to the business and industrial community of the Deep East Texas Area.

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SFA Economist, 1956-1960

The objective of the Department of Economics in publishing The SFA Economist is to provide information and interpretative comment of interest to the business community located in the Piney Woods of East Texas. The emphasis on local events will be tempered by references to regional and national developments.

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Stephen F. Austin State University Journal of Education

The Stephen F. Austin State University Journal of Education is published by the University's School of Education in Nacogdoches, TX. Our purpose is to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas concerning the improvement of educational opportunities for the citizens of the State of Texas as well as the nation.

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Strayed Reveller, 1969-1970

The Strayed Reveller was a literary magazine of stories, songs, poems, essays, reviews and artwork by students at Stephen F. Austin State University. It was published monthly and sponsered by the School of Liberal Arts and Deparment of English.

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Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain

Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain was a literary magazine published once a year by Stephen F. Austin's Sigma Tau Delta, an international English honor society. The chapter at SFA is called Alpha Zeta. It includes short stories, poetry and essays.

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TEF Literary Magazine

This literary magazine was published annually by students Stephen F. Austin State College. It is named after Dr. T. E. Ferguson., dean emeritus and former head of the English department.

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Texas Forestry Papers, No. 1-29, 1970-1976

The Texas Forestry Papers were written by members of and published through the School of Forestry (now the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture). These papers reflect a broad range of research, including East Texas pines, silviculture, point sampling and forestry management.

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