The Journal of Multicultural Affairs (JMA) adheres to the belief that the multicultural field is not based solely in one area or owned by a single entity. It is vast. It is beautiful. It is dynamic. Work pertaining to multicultural affairs can be found within higher education, K-12, scientific, spiritual, religious, and community enclaves. How is multicultural affairs defined within JMA? JMA defines multicultural affairs as the affairs that affect the many faces of society, disrupts homogeneous thinking, fights for social equity, and seeks social justice. JMA is focused on bridging the gap between all settings and seeks to provide a platform for our audience to share their work in multicultural affairs and to engage in vital multicultural dialogue. We welcome submissions in a variety of platforms: research-based, personal experience, and poetry. JMA will be published at least two times a year. In addition, Submissions will follow a double-blind review format.
Papers are accepted on a rolling basis. However, to be considered for the June issue, manuscripts must be received by April 1st. To be considered for the December issue, manuscripts must be received by October 1st. Guidelines for manuscript development can be found in the About This Journal section. Manuscript inquiries should be sent to: Co-Editor, Dr. Osaro E. Airen, at or Co-Editor, Dr. Brandon Fox, at
Current Issue: Volume 9, Issue 2 (2023)
Graduate Student Instructors Coping Strategies and Concurrent Impact on Learning, Teaching, and Research
RAZAK K. DWOMOH and Boatemaa Tawiah-Sarpong
Deconstructing Social Constructs: Exploring Teachers’ Positionality When Teaching Race and Human Diversity in the Science Classroom
Uchenna Emenaha
The Lesson for the Teacher
Ugochi Emenaha