The Forestry Bulletins were produced by the Department of Forestry (now the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture). Authored by members of the Department of Forestry, these bulletins deal with topics relevant to East Texas silviculture and forestry in general, including Loblolly, Shortleaf and Slash Pines, forest conservation in Texas and the geography of the region. The entire run of bulletins can be found here.
Forestry Bulletin No. 25: Silviculture of Southern Bottomland Hardwoods
Laurence C. Walker and Kenneth G. Watterson
"The potential of southern bottomland hardwood types is clear, for they, along with the cypress, occupy about 37 million acres and compromise more than half of the hardwood stumpage in the south."
Forestry Bulletin No. 23: Timber Sales Contracts for Latin America
Seymour I. Somberg
An analysis of timber sales contracts in Latin America, in consideration of proposals, forms, provisions and contributions.
Forestry Bulletin No. 24: Silviculture and Management of Teak
K. Kadambi
"Teak is the principal timber tree of Peninsular India, Burma, Indonesia and Thailand and one of the most important timbers of the world. It has been planted extensively in warm climates throughout the world."
Forestry Bulletin No. 22: Silviculture of Southern Upland Hardwoods
Laurence C. Walker
"Upland hardwood types occur throughout the forests of the southern United States. Sometimes deciduous species intermingle with pines to form mixed conifer-broadleaf types; other times hardwood types are interspersed with pine types; depending upon soil, physiography, past land use, and fire."
Forestry Bulletin No. 21: Diseases of Forest Trees and Forest Products
A. F. Verrall
This bulletin covers the roles and types of diseases and fungi found in forest trees and products. It also discusses principles of disease prevention and control.
Forestry Bulletin No. 19: Directory of Wood-Using and Related Industries in Texas, 1969
Nelson T. Samson
Identification and description of wood-using and related industries in Texas for the year 1969.
Forestry Bulletin No. 20: A Short History of Forest Conservation in Texas, 1880-1940
Robert S. Maxwell and James W. Martin
"This short history of the development of forest conservation in Texas is intended primarily for the general reader. The study has concentrated on the early history of the conservation movement, dating from the beginning of commercial lumbering in the state, approximately 1880, to about 1940 and World War II."
Forestry Bulletin No. 18: Geography of the Southern Forest Region
Laurence C. Walker and G. Loyd Collier
"The Southern Forest Region, as here discussed, comprises the area east of the Texas and Oklahoma prairies and south of the Missouri, Ohio, and Potomac rivers, plus an extension along the Atlantic coast to central New Jersey."
Forestry Bulletin No. 17: Films and Filmstrips on Forestry
Nelson T. Samson
"Motion picture films and filmstrips in forestry and related fields are available from many sources in America. This publication is an attempt to provide for foresters and others interested in such aids a convenient means for selecting materials to meet their particular needs."
Forestry Bulletin No. 16: Silviculture of Slash Pine
Laurence C. Walker and Harry V. Wiant Jr.
An analysis of the reproduction, management and destructive agents in relation to the Slash Pine.
Forestry Bulletin No. 15: Silviculture of the Minor Southern Conifers
Laurence C. Walker
An analysis of many conifers, including pine, cedar and cypress.
Forestry Bulletin No. 14: Practical Point-Sampling
Ellis V. Hunt Jr. and Robert D. Baker
"Mr. L.R. Grosenbaugh (1952) introduced point-sampling to American foresters, citing Mr. W. Bitterlich's earlier work in Europe. Primarily it is, he said, 'A rapid method of sampling tree basal area per acre . . . '"
Forestry Bulletin No. 12: Pine Seedling Survival and Growth Response to Soils of the Texas Post-Oak Belt
J. J. Stransky and M. Victor Bilan
An analysis of the methods and materials in relation to pine seedling survival, including a section on results and discussion.
Forestry Bulletin No. 11: Silviculture of Longleaf Pine
Laurence C. Walker and Harry V. Wiant Jr.
A discussion of issues surrounding the management, reproduction and nutrition of the Longleaf Pine.
Forestry Bulletin No. 10: Texas Pulpwood Production
Nelson T. Samson
An analysis by the forestry economist Nelson T. Samson of pulpwood production in Texas, including make-up, output and trends.
Forestry Bulletin No. 8: Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Under a Post Oak-Shortleaf Pine Stand
G. Schneider and J. J. Stransky
"This paper reports moisture and temperature observations in the surface 18 inches of soil under an east Texas post oak (Quercus stellata Wangenh.) - shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) stand throughout a 4 year period."
Forestry Bulletin No. 9: Silviculture of Shortleaf Pine
Laurence C. Walker and Harry V. Wiant Jr
"Nowhere is silviculture more intensively practiced than in the southern United States exempt, perhaps, in certain European nations. This is because of the tremendous demands upon the forests for fiber in a region of optimum climatic characteristics for rapid growth of valuable species. In meeting these demands, management instructs its foresters to shift their efforts into high gear."
Forestry Bulletin No. 13: Directory of Wood-Using and Related Industries in East Texas, 1966
Nelson T. Samson
"This special directory will serve as a supplement to the Directory of Texas Manufacturers published annually by the Bureau of Business Research."
Forestry Bulletin No. 7: Films and Filmstrips on Forestry
N. T. Samson
A bibliography of film and filmstrips covering forestry studies.
Forestry Bulletin No. 6: Point-Sampling from Two Angles
Ellis V. Hunt Jr, Robert D. Baker, and Lloyd A. Biskamp
"Point-sampling is a valuable tool in the kit of the practicing forester. It is employed for permanent and temporary sampling and for growth studies. Since the concept of point-sampling is new in American forestry, different approaches have been employed to explain its application."
Forestry Bulletin No. 5: Continuous Forest Inventory with Punch Card Machines for a Small Property
Robert D. Baker and Ellis V. Hunt Jr.
A study on forestry inventory with punched card machines for a small property.
Forestry Bulletin No. 4: Root Development of Loblolly Line Seedlings in Modified Environments
M. Victor Bilan
A study that looked at root development of loblolly pine seedlings in modified environments.
Forestry Bulletin No. 3: Bibliography of Forestry Films and Filmstrips
N. T. Samson
This is a bibliography of forestry films and filmstrips.
Forestry Bulletin No. 2: Directory of Wood-Using and Related Industries in East Texas
N. T. Samson
A directory of wood using industries by East Texas Counties.
Forestry Bulletin No. 1: Reference of Values in Studies Affecting the Southern Pines, an Annotated List
R C. Thatcher
Annotated bibliography of works coving studies of insects affecting the southern pines.