Volume 18, Issue 1 (2023) Fall/Winter 2023
The Unique Challenges and Best Practices for Rural School Principals: Attracting and Retaining Skilled Teachers in Small Communities
Ray Barbosa Jr. and Betty Coneway
Partnering Educational Leadership and Preservice Teacher Candidates to Conduct Virtual Classroom Observations via a Practitioner-Based Mentor-Teacher Candidate Model
Juliann Sergi McBrayer and Regina Rahimi
Preparing Aspiring Leaders to Address Special Education Needs in an Embedded Principal Residency Program: A Content Analysis
Dusty L. Palmer, Linnie Greenless, Fernando Valle, and Cathy Palmer
Educator Experiences in the Reshaping of Schools During Challenging Times: "The New normal or Is It?"
Juliann Sergi McBrayer and Pamela Wells
"I Just Feel Worn Out”: Constraints to Teacher Agency throughout COVID-19
Andrew Kipp, Spencer clark, Carl Fahrenwald, and Gustavo Perez
Exploring Ableism through Teacher Identity and Empowerment: Teaching about Disability through a Campus Common Reader
Alma Contreras-Vanegas, Amber Godwin, and William H. Blackwell
Ineffective school leadership: Teachers weigh-in
Jerry Burkett and Sonya D. Hayes