Volume 16, Issue 1 (2021) Fall/Winter 2021
From the Editors...
Welcome to the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of School Leadership Review. In an effort to make accepted manuscripts available as soon as possible, we are publishing them as soon as the reviewers make a decision to accept them. We hope you find the articles currently published to be both challenging and informative, and that you will check back often for additions to this issue.
Content Analysis of Dissertations on Women Superintendents from 2017-2020
Pauline M. Sampson and Te'yana Ridyolph
Building School Leader Capacity for Impact
Catherine L. Meyer-Looze and Rick Vandermolen
University-based Principal Preparation Programs in Texas in 2019: Where is Special Education?
Ann Hoa Lê and Julie Peterson Combs
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of University Field Supervision on Administrative Mindsets: Considerations for Redesign
Neil Faulk, Thomas Harvey, Brett Welch, and Gary E. Martin
Slowing the Burn: Principal Leadership Supports to Reduce Attrition
Forrest J. Kaiser and Ray Thompson
The Effect of School Tasks on Principals' and Assistant Principals’ Leadership Self-Efficacy
Torri Jackson, Juliann Sergi McBrayer, Summer Pannell, Richard E. Cleveland, Suzanne B. Miller, and Katherine Fallon
Leadership through Chaos and the Demand for Resiliency
John Decman, Kevin Badgett, and Felix Simieou III
Evaluating Educational Efficiency in Texas Public Schools Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis
Jeremy Thompson, J. Kenneth Young, and Kaye Shelton
Secondary Principal Leadership and the Impact on Engaging Hands-on Learning Strategies
Sarah Morrison and Ray Thompson