School Leadership Review | Vol 15 | Iss 1

Volume 15, Issue 1 (2019) Fall/Winter 2020

Welcome to the Fall/Winter Issue of School Leadership Review!

This issue welcomes Dr. Kriss Kemp-Graham as the new assistant editor of SLR. Dr. Kemp-Graham currently serves as an associate professor of educational leadership at Texas A&M- Commerce. Without her invaluable assistance this year, I am afraid many of you would still be waiting for this issue, which is full of great research on vitally important topics for educational leaders. We have worked diligently with the contributing authors to bring you works that we hope inspires, informs, and encourages you in your current leadership. Stay safe and we hope you and yours have a wonderful and restful holiday season.

Dr. J. Kenneth Young, editor
Dr. Kriss Kemp-Graham, assistant editor



Instructional Leadership Practices and School Leaders' Self-Efficacy
Juliann Sergi McBrayer 4785659, Carter Akins, Antonio Gutierrez de Blume, Richard Cleveland, and Summer Pannell


Talk or Walk: School Principals and Shared Instructional Leadership
Sheila Baker, John Decman, and Jana M. Willis