Volume 12, Issue 2 (2018)
Full Issue
Storm Clouds
Pauline M. Sampson, Scott Bailey, and Kerry L. Roberts
Preparing Educational Leaders for Social Justice: Reimagining One Educational Leadership Program from the Ground Up
Holly M. Manaseri and Christopher B. Manaseri
Metacognitive Awareness and Mindset in Current and Future Principals
Tara L. Beziat, Yvette Bynum, and Erin F. Klash
Leading through Following: Understanding the Intersection of Followership, Leadership and Collaboration
Jonte' C. Taylor and Doris Hill
Rural Superintendents' Experiences in the Application of Principle-Centered Leadership at the Personal and Interpersonal Levels
Shelby Davidson and Jennifer T. Butcher
Differences in Dropout Rates as a Function of High School Size for Students in Poverty: A Texas Multiyear, Statewide Study
Amy R. Ambrose, George W. Moore, John R. Slate, and Cynthia Martinez-Garcia
Grade Span Configuration and Academic Performance for Students in Poverty: A Texas Multiyear Analysis
M. Chad Jones, John R. Slate, George W. Moore, and Cynthia Martinez-Garcia