Faculty Publications | School of Human Sciences | Stephen F. Austin State University


Submissions from 2025


Older Adults’ Health, Ethnicity, and Daily Life, Hyunsook Kang and Mihae Bae

Submissions from 2023


Proactive, not reactive: Creating anti-racist policies for child care centers and preschools, K. A. Escayg and Flora Farago


Discussing race, via books, in mainly White preschools, Flora Farago


4 - Critical Consciousness in Early to Middle Childhood, Amy E. Heberle, Flora Farago, and Noah Hoch


Resisting the margins: Advancing an imperative to attend to race and culture in the social-emotional growth and learning of infants and toddlers., E. M. and Flora Farago


Positive Body Image-related Strategies in Children's Picturebooks, Tingting Xu, Yuan He, Flora Farago, and Sarah Savoy

Submissions from 2022


Challenges and opportunities: book discussions of gender non-conformity in two preschool classrooms, Flora Farago


Teachers’ Gender-Role Attitudes and Gendered Classroom Practices, Flora Farago, Carol Lynn Martin, Kristen L. Granger, Carlos E. Santos, and Cindy Faith Miller


Gender Typicality, Pressure to Conform to Gender Norms, and Anti-Fat and Appearance Stereotypes in Girls, Flora Farago, Sarah Savoy, Emily A. Sanchez, NEUSHA KHALEGHI, Lauren Evans, Emily L. Adams, and Edgar Palomino


Epilogue to the special issue on the scholarship of generosity: A Festschrift in honor of Beth Blue Swadener, M. K. Nagasawa, Flora Farago, and L. Peters


Introduction to the special issue on the scholarship of generosity: A Festschrift in honor of Beth Blue Swadener, M. K. Nagasawa, Flora Farago, and L. Peters


Gender typicality, pressure to conform to gender norms, and body esteem in 6-9 year-old girls, Sarah Savoy, Flora Farago, Neusha Khaleghi, Emily A. Sanchez, A. DeGuenther, and J. N. Thompson

Submissions from 2021


Preparing early childhood teachers for the importance of seeing color in children: Bloom’s taxonomy as a guide, K. L. Davidson, Flora Farago, and T. Husband


Ugandan Adolescents’ Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Domestic and Recreational Activities, and Attitudes About Women, Flora Farago, Natalie Eggum-Wilkens, and Linlin Zhang


Ugandan Adolescents' Attitudes Toward, and Shared Activities with, Same and Other-Gender Peers and Friends, Flora Farago, J. XU, Natalie D. Eggum-Wilkens, Linlin Zhang, Danming An, Eunjung Kim, and Emily Adams


The role of infant and early childhoos mental health consultation in reducing racial and gender relational and discipline disparities beween Black and white preschoolers, Eva M. Shivers, Flora Farago, and Diana E. Gal-Szabo

Submissions from 2020


Ugandan adolescents’ gender stereotype knowledge about jobs, Flora Farago, Natalie D. Eggum-Wilkens, and Linlin Zhang


What is to be done? Scholar-Activism in the Era of COVID-19, Flora Farago, Jennifer Richter, and Beth Blue Swadener


Critical Consciousness in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review,Critical Assessment, and Recommendations for Future Research, Amy E. Heberle, Luke J. Rapa, and Flora Farago


Tempered Radicalism and Intersectionality: Scholar-Activism in the Neoliberal University, Jennifer Richter, Flora Farago, and Beth Blue Swadener

Tempered radicalism in the academy: Scholar-activism in the neoliberal university, Jennifer Richter, Flora Farago, Beth Blue Swadener, Denisse Roca-Servat, and Kimberley A. Eversman

Submissions from 2019


Hospitality shindig Kentucky derby fundraising event: Success and challenges, Gina Fe G. Causin, Erin Keir, Shelby Walker, Victoria Wentzel, and Ryan Hall


Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood: The Implications of Color-Consciousness and Colorblindness for Prejudice Development, Flora Farago, Kimberly Leah Davidson, and Christy M. Byrd


Study of university donor recognition event, April Smith, Sarah Sargent, Gina Fe G. Causin, and Mary S. Olle

Submissions from 2018


Cultural Festival Improves Quality of Life in the Community, Gina Fe Causin


Lifestyles, Income, Health Factors, and Life Satisfaction of Older Hispanic Adults, Gina Fe G. Causin Ph.D., Hyunsook Kang Ph.D., and Mary S. Olle Ph.D.


Student Perceptions of Engagement in a Mandatory Programatic Service Learning, Gina Fe Causin and Chay Runnels


Local to Global Justice: Roles of Student Activism in Higher Education, Leadership Development, and Community Engagement, Flora Farago, Beth Blue Swadener, Jennifer Richter, Kimberly Eversman, and Denisse Roca-Servat


Older Adults’ Social Relations: Life Satisfaction to Widowhood, Hyunsook Kang and Bonnie Ahn


Giving voice to our First Nations: Creating a framework for indigenous interpretation through education and collaboration, Chay Runnels, Judy A. Abbott, Shelby Gull Laird, Gina Fe G. Causin, Pat Stephens Williams, Theresa Coble, and Sara Ross


Developmentally appropriate practice in the 21st century, Kay Sanders and Flora Farago

Submissions from 2017


Event Planner Sensitivity to the Needs of Individuals with Visual Disability at Meetings and Events, Gina Fe G. Causin Ph.D. and Tessa McCarthy Ph.D.


Tourism job outlook: A guide to events, hospitality, interpretation jobs for the Lakota people, Gina Fe Causin and Chay Runnels


Karamojong adolescents in Tororo District, Uganda: Life events, adjustment problems, and protective factors, Natalie D. Eggum-Wilkens, Linlin Zhang, and Flora Farago


Anti-bias or Not: A Case Study of Two Early Childhood Educators, Flora Farago


Confronting and Countering Bias and Oppression through Early Childhood Policy and Practice: An Introduction. [Special issue], Flora Farago, Colette Murray, and Beth Blue Swadener


Hispanic college students’ health and lifestyle, Mary Olle, Hyunsook Kang, and Gina Fe G. Causin

Submissions from 2016


How to talk to you kids about race and racism, Flora Farago

Race and gender in United States early childhood settings: Researcher reflections, Flora Farago and Beth Blue Swadener


Singled in Later Life: Interaction Effects on Family Relations and Health, Hyunsook Kang Ph.D.


Best practices developing service learning protocol for hospitality administration, Mary Olle, Chay Runnels, Gina Fe Causin, and Todd Barrios


The Arizona Kith and Kin Project Evaluation, Brief #3, Eva Marie Shivers, Flora Farago, and Charles Yang


The Arizona Kith and Kin Project Evaluation, Brief #1, Eva Marie Shivers, Charles Yang, and Flora Farago


The Arizona Kith and Kin Project Evaluation, Brief #2, Eva Marie Shivers, Charles Yang, and Flora Farago


The Arizona Kith and Kin Project Evaluation, Brief #4, Eva Marie Shivers, Charles Yang, and Flora Farago


Chapter 2: Where the children are: Exploring quality, community, and support for family, friend and neighbor child care, Eva M. Shivers and Flora Farago

Submissions from 2015


The influence of national culture and organizational culture to the success of an expatriate overseas assignment, Gina Fe G. Causin and Charito G. Ngwenya


Addressing race and racism in early childhood: Challenges and opportunities, Flora Farago, Kay Sanders, and Larissa Gaias

Submissions from 2014


Student Characteristics and Achievements in Online and On-Campus FCS Courses, Paula Tripp, Mary Olle, and Michelle Jones

Submissions from 2011


Packing for the trip: A model of competencies for successful expatriate hospitality assignment, Gina Fe Causin and Baker Ayoun


Expatriation in the hotel industry: An exploratory study of management skills and cultural training, Gina Fe Causin, Baker Ayoun, and Patrick Moreo

Submissions from 2005


Doing International Business: From Cultural Perspectives, Charles Calvert, Shinyi Lin, and Lynda Martin