Volume 15, Issue 2 (2020) Leading Without Maps: Leadership in Times of Chaos
From the Editors...
The launch of our inaugural themed issue for our journal is wrought with irony, as we had to make decisions on whether or not to publish this issue of SLR with just a single accepted manuscript. It seems the chaos created by the combination of a global pandemic and winter storms in Texas limited the number of submissions. There are no maps for such situations, so we have decided, with the support of the executive director of TCPEA, to stick with our commitment to publish this issue. Our belief is that in doing so, we continue to provide you, the reader, with quality over quantity, and manuscripts worth your time in reading. We hope that you find Dr. Wilson's article about "the need for educational leadership preparation programs that focus on interventions that address the emotional intelligence, emotional agility, and crisis-induced stressors of current and emerging school educators" both informative and instructive as we all continue to lead in times of chaos.
J. Kenneth Young
Kriss Kemp-Graham
Assistant Editor
Emotionally Agile Leadership Amid COVID-19
Adrianne Wilson