"Who Is Preparing School Leaders to Transition into the Job of Urban Sc" by W. Sean Kearney, Nathern Okilwa et al.


Preparing junior administrators to step into the role of school principal is a challenge many urban school districts face. Typically a large school district will leverage an existing pool of experienced assistant principals and vice principals to fill principal positions. At a minimum this ensures the candidates are familiar with internal structures, district culture, policies and procedures, and the community which the school district serves. However, unless addressed in a strategic manner, the assistant and vice principal role lacks many of the critical components which are required of the principal position. While the majority of these individuals will have completed a university-based principal preparation program, obtained state certification to serve in the role of principal, and often times have served as an assistant or vice principal for a number of years, there is still often a wide gap between their current job duties and what will be expected of them as principals. Thus, there is a need for additional training to prepare these individuals to successfully transition into the role of urban school principals. To this end, this article examines a principal transition program which was created as a collaboration between a regional education service center, school districts, and university partners to prepare assistant and vice principals for the principal position.



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