Submissions from 2019
Facilitating Collaboration Through a Co-Teaching Field Experience, Mark S. Montgomery and Adam Akerson
Effects of Movement, Growth Mindset and Math Talks on Math Anxiety, Christina J. Peterman and Jim Ewing
Exposing Preservice Teachers to Emergent Bilinguals, Deborah J. Williams Ed.D. and Jim Ewing
Exploring the Experiences of Male Early Childhood Aspiring Teachers, Tingting Xu
We Would If We Could: Examining Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy in a Middle School Mathematics Methods Course, Jamaal R. Young, Jemimah L. Young, Brandon L. Fox, Earl R. Levingston Jr., and Alana Tholen
Submissions from 2018
Facilitating Pre-Service Teachers to Engage Emergent Bilinguals in Productive Struggle, Benjamin T. Dickey, Jim Ewing, Melissa Caruso, and Emily D. Fulmer
Considering ELLs When Planning Lessons, Jim Ewing
Insight for Teacher Preparation Program Administrators: Enhancing Pre-service Educators' lntercultural Sensitivity and Deep Proficiency in Culturally Responsive Teaching through Short-Term Study Abroad, Gloria Gresham, Paula Griffin, Tracy Hasbun, and Vikki Boatman
Examining EC-6 Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions of Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics, Tonya D. Jeffery, Lisa D. Hobson, Sarah J. Conoyer, Karen E. Miller, and Lesley F. Leach
Lesson plans for moving in the science classroom, Tonya D. Jeffery and Kimberly Moore
Movement in the Science Classroom, Tonya D. Jeffery, Kimberly Moore, and Tommye Hutson
Collaboration and Connections: Investigating the Use of Teacher Candidate-Created Protocols to Connect Research to Classroom Practice in an Educator Preparation Program, Jannah Walters Nerren and Tracey Covington Hasbun
Submissions from 2017
Walking the Walk: Authentic Science and Mathematics Research Conducted by Preservice and Inservice Teachers, Cherie McCollough, Tonya D. Jeffery, and Kim Moore
Using Wireless Pedometers to Measure Children’s Physical Activity: How Reliable is the Fitbit Zip?, Tingting Xu, Erik Jon Byker, and Monica Rae Gonzales
Submissions from 2016
Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Mathematics through Drawings, Adam Akerson
Schooling in Rural East Texas: Contextualizing and Responding to the Needs of African American Students, Brandon L. Fox and Patrick S. De Walt
One Child's Story of School-experienced Isolation and Rejection, Gloria J. Gresham Dr.
Impact of collaborative teaching on K-12 mathematics and science learning, Tonya D. Jeffery, Cherie A. McCollough, and Kim Moore
Crabby interactions: Fifth graders explore human impact on the blue crab population, Tonya D. Jeffery, Cherie A. McCollugh, and Kim Moore
Improving middle grades STEM teacher content knowledge and pedagogical practices through a school-university partnership, Cherie McCollough, Tonya D. Jeffery, Kim Moore, and Joe Champion
Patterns of Change: Forces and Motion, Marianne Phillips and Tonya D. Jeffery
Submissions from 2015
Leaping the language gap: strategies for preschool and head start teachers, Carolyn D. Abel, Jannah Walters Nerren, and Hope Elizabeth Wilson
Socioeconomic Status and Mathematics: A Critical Examination of Mathematics Performance in Grades Three through Eight by Mathematical Objective, Brandon L. Fox and Patricia J. Larke
Science fair advice: If you show that you care about what you’re doing, it will make a lasting impression, Tonya D. Jeffery
Growing STEM roots: Preparing preservice teachers, Tonya D. Jeffery, Cherie A. McCollough, and Kim Moore
Puff mobile derby student engineers, Tonya D. Jeffery, Cherie A. McCollough, and Kim Moore
Women Superintendents: Promotion of Other Women to Central Office Administration, Pauline M. Sampson, Gloria Gresham, Stephanie Applewhite, and Kerry Roberts
Middle School Single-Gender Science Classes: Self-Concept and Discourse Analysis, Pauline M. Sampson, Gloria J. Gresham Dr., Melissa M. Leigh, and Denice McCormick Myers Ed.D
Language Stimulation Techniques for Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old Children: Patterns of Language Development, Hope Elisabeth Wilson, Jannah Walters Nerren, and Carolyn D. Abel
Why theories do not turn into laws, Sissy S. Wong and Tonya D. Jeffery
Submissions from 2014
High School Students’ Stereotypic Images of Scientists in South Korea, EunJin Bang, Sissy Wong, and Tonya D. Jeffery
ICT Oriented Toward Nyaya: Community Computing in India’s Slums, Erik J. Byker
Sociotechnical Narratives in Rural, High-Poverty Elementary Schools: Comparative Findings from East Texas and South India, Erik J. Byker
Insight for Teacher Preparation Program Administrators: Enhancing Pre-service Educators’ Intercultural Sensitivity and Deep Proficiency in Culturally Responsive Teaching through Short-term Study Abroad, Gloria J. Gresham Dr., Paula Griffin, Tracey Hasbun, and Vikki Boatman
Submissions from 2013
Female-only Classes in a Rural Context: Self-concept, Achievement, and Discourse, Hope E. Wilson, Gloria J. Gresham Dr., Michelle Williams, Claudia Whitley, and James G. Partin
Submissions from 2012
Financially Sustaining University Lab Schools: One University’s Story, Gloria J. Gresham Dr.
Submissions from 2011
A University/School Partnership Leading to Student Content Gain and Teacher Instructional Change, Gloria J. Gresham Dr.
Distinguishing Practices for Administrators: A Case Study of One University's Lab Settings' Journey to Academic Excellence, Gloria J. Gresham Dr.
Submissions from 2009
Boosting Students’ TQ (Thinking Quality) via Quality Work [Abstract], Gloria J. Gresham Dr., Kimberly Welsh, and H. Zawlocki
Submissions from 2008
Becoming a Reading Specialist: Surveying the Possibilities, Judy A. Abbott, Cari R. Williams, Allison Swan-Dagen, and Steven D. Rinehart
Five Strategies to Enhance Your Substitute Teaching, Gloria J. Gresham Dr., John Donihoo, and Tanisha Cox
Submissions from 2007
Providing feedback on student writing using annotation technology, Terence C. Ahern and Judy A. Abbott
Teaching the teachers: Effective forms of written feedback to help improve technical writing, Terence C. Ahern and Judy A. Abbott
Submissions from 2005
The Curry/Samara Model and The Model Classrooms Project Background and Research Foundations, Gloria J. Gresham Dr. and Ronnie Porter
Submissions from 2003
Identification of Gifted Students from Underrepresented Populations in Texas, Gloria J. Gresham Dr.
Submissions from 2001
Classroom influences on first-grade students’ oral narratives, Judy A. Abbott and Sarah J. McCarthey
Submissions from 2000
“Blinking-out” and “Having the touch”: Two fifth-grade boys talk about flow experiences in writing, Judy A. Abbott
Integrating Technology into Preservice Literacy Instruction: A Survey of Elementary Education Students' Attitudes toward Computers, Judy A. Abbott and Saundra E. Faris
The Benedum Collaborative Model of Teacher Education Student Handbook, Jason Cartwright, Ann Nutter, Judy A. Abbott, and Sarah Steel
Submissions from 1998
A hypermedia action research project: Asian elementary students as decision-makers. Computers in the Schools, Judy A. Abbott, Carolyn A. Walker, Fuqiang Zhuo, Saundra Faris, Anita R. Nedeff, Ruth Oaks, Jaci Webb-Dempsy, and Sarah Steel
The Literature-Based Basals in First-Grade Classrooms: Savior, Satan, or Same-Old, Same-Old?, James V. Hoffman, Sarah J. Mccarthey, Bonnie Elliott, and Judy A. Abbott
Submissions from 1996
Literature-based reading instruction: Problems, possibilities & polemics in the struggle to change, James v. Hoffman, Sarah J. McCarthy, Judy A. Abbott, Debra Bayles, Bonnie Elliott, Angela Ferree, and Debra Price
Submissions from 1995
Reading instruction in first-grade classrooms: Do basals control teachers?, James V. Hoffman, Sarah J. McCarthey, Debra Bayles, Debra Price, Bonnie Elliott, Mark Dressman, and Judy Abbott
Transactional Criticism and Aesthetic Literary Experiences: Examining Complex Responses in Light of the Teacher's Purpose, Joyce E. Many, Jacqueline K. Gerla, Donna L. Wiseman, and Linda Ellis
Submissions from 1994
So What's New in the New Basals? A Focus on First Grade, James V. Hoffman, Sarah J. McCarthey, Judy A. Abbott, Cheryl Christian, Laura Corman, Catherine Curry, Mark Dressman, Bonnie Elliot, Debra Maherne, and Debra Stahle
Submissions from 1986
Literary Books Make the Difference in Teaching the ESL Student, Mary Appleberry and Elvia Ana Rodriguez