Aims & Scope | TxDLA Journal of Digital Learning | Journals | Stephen F. Austin State University

Aims & Scope

The TxDLA Journal of Digital Learning (TxDLA-JDL) is a continuous publication for original manuscripts with emphasis on the body of knowledge in the areas of educational practice in online and digital learning in either educational institutions or community settings.

The purpose of the TxDLA-JDL is to promote best practices and to demonstrate effective research utilizing diverse methodological designs and approaches in educational settings, preschools through graduate schools, as well as community settings, with an emphasis on how learning can be facilitated. Manuscripts represent best practices, product reviews, book reviews, and research-based studies. This journal provides useful examples for both digital learning practice and scholarship within local and applied settings.

The following types of submissions are accepted in the TxDLA-JDL:

  • Original Research Articles - These articles are original findings resulting from quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research, as well as action research, should be submitted for this section. These Research Articles require local IRB approval before the research begins and, upon submission to TxDLA-JDL will undergo blind peer review. Program evaluations of various distance and digital learning strategies and programs are welcomed. Program evaluations need to be outcomes of quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research.

  • Practitioner Articles – these articles follow a specific format and focus on best practices and useful approaches to challenges encountered by distance learning practitioners. Practitioner articles are required to be based in sound literature and follow a prescribed format, however, they do not require IRB approval and are not subject to the blind peer review process. Practitioner articles will be reviewed by the Editorial staff.

  • Product Reviews - these reviews provide a format for the objective description and critical evaluation of the quality, effectiveness and value of new developments in the features and functions of technologies, platforms, tools, hardware, and software product related to digital learning. Authors are expected to have credentials, experience, or expertise that lend credibility to the review.

  • Book Reviews - This section will provide a forum for description and critical evaluation of the quality, effectiveness and value of recently published books.

  • Editorial and Commentary - Includes editors’ reflections on a topic or introduction to the current issue.

TxDLA-JDL does not charge submission fees or any other form of author fees. However, all authors must be current members of the Texas Digital Learning Association at the time of publication

TxDLA-JDL is published by the Texas Digital Learning Association. It is hosted in ScholarWorks by Stephen F. Austin State University.

Mickey Slimp, Ed.D. - Great Plains Network
Harriet E. Watkins, Ed.D. - Instructional Connections, LLC

Managing Editors
Michelle Singh, Ph.D. - Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Randy McDonald, Ed.D. - Texas A&M University
Dan Keast, Ph.D. - The University of Texas Permian Basin