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Camptotheca Decaisne (happytrees or Xi Shu, Nyssaceae) is a .monotypic genus endemic to China. Its single species C. acuminata Decaisne ( 1873) has been the major source of Camptothecins, the promising anti - cancer and potential anti - viral drugs (Li and Adair 1994) .
The phenotypic analysis of the genus showed that (1) C. yunnanensis Dode (1908) should be treated as a species separated from C. acuminata (see Li, n. d.) and (2) a new species as the third species of the genus should be established. The present paper describes the new species as C. lowreyana. C. lowreyana has a potential in drug production according to the Camptothecin analysis (Li, unpublished).
Repository Citation
Li, Shiyou, "Camptotheca Lowreyana, A New Species of Anti-Cancer Happytrees" (1997). NCPC Publications and Patents. 50.
Originally published in the Bulletin of Botanical Research (Harbin) 17(3), 348-352