The National Center for Pharmaceutical Crops | Stephen F. Austin State University Research | SFA ScholarWorks
National Center for Pharmaceutical Crops (Archived)

Director: Shiyou Li

About the Center

The National Center for Pharmaceutical Crops (NCPC) is located within the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture. Established in 2004, the NCPC is a pioneer in pharmaceutical crop research in the United States. Pharmaceutical crops are any used for the "extraction or preparation of therapeutic substances such as drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients, vaccines and antibodies as well as other therapeutic solutions.

On this site you will find research and work created by members of the NCPC, including news, updates and other information.

    News and Updates

    SFA Researchers Develop Endocides


    Current practices for controlling giant salvinia (YouTube)

    Preventing the spread of giant salvinia (YouTube)

    What is giant salvinia? (YouTube)

    Dr. Li on Red River Radio


Browse the National Center for Pharmaceutical Crops (Archived) Collections:

NCPC Databases

NCPC Presentations

NCPC Publications and Patents

NCPC Specimens