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RAPD markers were used to reveal the genetic diversity of the genus Camptotheca. Three primers (OPA02, OPA03, and OPA04), generating 44 polymorphic bands using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, were able to discriminate among 25 Camptotheca populations. The band size varied from 268-4,411bp, with an average of 15 bands/primer. Of these populations, cultivars ‘Katie’ (KT) and ‘Ang’ (AG) of C. lowreyana and cultivated A1a (HJ) of C. acuminata can be easily distinguished by their unique bands. Population differentiation of Camptotheca was found to be higher than in other species with similar breeding systems. Cluster analysis of the genetic distance values and dendrogram from RAPD markers were consistent with the phenotypic data and both support the current taxonomic treatment of Camptotheca. Camptotheca acuminata var. acuminata appeared as the closest relative of C. yunnanensis, followed at some distance by C. lowreyana and, further away, C. acuminata var. tenuifolia.
Repository Citation
Wang, Yujie; Clack, Beatrice; and Li, Shiyou, "Genetic Diversity in Camptotheca Decaisne" (2014). NCPC Publications and Patents. 37.
Originally published open access in Pharmaceutical Crops, 2014, 5: 120-134