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The micromorphology of the leaves, pollen, and fruits of different taxa of Camptotheca was studied under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The key diagnostic characters can be used for the identification of taxa within Camptotheca include leaf shape, venation type, vein number, stoma size and frequency, shape of outer stomatal rim, subsidiary cell number, and glandular trichome size; cotyledon shape, venation type, and vein number; and fruit surface texture, disc, length, and color. Other characters could not dependably be used for species level discrimination.
Repository Citation
Li, Shiyou and Taylor, Josephine, "Micromorphological Variations of Camptotheca Decaisne" (2014). NCPC Publications and Patents. 36.
Originally published open access in Pharmaceutical Crops, 2014, 5: 116-119 DOI: 10.2174/2210290601405010116