Volume 3, Issue 1 (2019) Religion in Transition
The Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR), in cooperation with the Journal of Faith, Education, and Community (JFEC), is pleased to publish its special issue on “Religion in Transition” drawing from papers presented at the ASSR Annual Meeting between 2014-2019. Each article for this issue was selected via a blind review process administered by JFEC. The theme of this special issue, “Religion in Transition” focuses on religious systems of meaning, and the collective practices emerging from ever-changing national and global social patterns. Each of the articles in this special issue makes a unique and important contribution to a deeper understanding of religion in transition.Congratulations to each of the scholarly authors in this issue. Appreciation is also expressed to the JFEC Editor, Michelle Williams, Ed.D., the JFEC Editorial Board, and the manuscript reviewers who made this issue possible.
The ASSR issues its call for scholarly papers each Fall on any aspect of religion from Liberal Arts, Humanities, and related disciplines. The ASSR annual meeting is typically held in March in the DFW Metroplex. For further information on ASSR, please visit our website: https://www.assronline.org/
J.B. Watson, Jr. Ph.D., Stephen F. Austin State University
Guest Editor
The Journey of a Spiritual Migrant: An Autoethnography on Leaving American Evangelicalism
Joel McReynolds
Existential Anthropology and the Transformation of the Existential Situation into Religious Meaning: The Rise and Similarities of Religion and the Arts
Patrick Scott Smith, M.A.
Dianne Dentice
Loving Thyself and Well-being: What Does God Have to Do with It?
Derek de la Peña Ph.D.