Faculty Publications | Human Services & Educational Leadership | Stephen F. Austin State University


Submissions from 2020


Group Development and Group Leadership in Student Affairs, Wendy K. Killam, Adam Carter, and Suzanne Degges-White

Submissions from 2019


Interaction Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Emerging Literacy and Literacy Skills among Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Children: A Comparison Study, Kasey Thompson, Lydia P. Richardson, Heather Newman, and Kathleen George

Submissions from 2018


Cultivating Contextual Attributes in the Integration of Latin@ Educational Leadership, Yuleinys A. Castillo and Suzanne Maniss


Selective Stimulability in the Speech and Language Assessment of Bilingual Children with Selective Mutism, Elizabeth Harbaugh , M.S., CCC-SLP; Raul F. Prezas , Ph.D., CCC-SLP; and Robin L. Edge , Ph.D., CCC-SLP


Collaborative Documentation for Behavioral Healthcare Providers: An Emerging Practice, Suzanne Maniss Ph.D., LCDC, NCC and Amanda G. Pruit LPC


Using an Adapted Cover-Copy-Compare Math Intervention in China: A Pilot Study, Daniel F. McCleary Ph.D., LSSP, NCSP and Juan Chen


Development and Initial Validation of the O&M VISSIT for Orientation and Mobility Specialists to Determine Service Intensity, Heather R. Munro, Shannon Darst, and Rona L. Pogrund


Adult-Child Sexual Contact: Examining Mental Health Trainees’ Perception of the Impact on Adult Psychological-Emotional Status, Robbie J. Steward Ph.D.; Shavonne J. Moore Ph.D.; Lisa P. Petersen M.A., L.P.C.; Sharea Ayers M.A.; and Kristin A. Hinze M.A., L.P.C.

Submissions from 2017


Diversity Of Diagnoses And Student Learning Experiences In An On-Campus School Psychology Assessment Center: Future Directions And Focus, Nina M. Ellis-Hervey Ph.D., N.C.S.P., L.S.S.P., P.L.P.; Ashley Doss B.S., MAIO-Cert; DeShae Davis-Gatti M.A.; and Juliet Aura BS/P


Educating Deaf Learners: A Book Review, J. Lindsey Kennon


Pursuing a Common Goal: Measuring the Comfort Level of Educational Diagnosticians to Manage a Caseload of Students with Visual Impairments, Jerry Mullins M.Ed. and Michael P. Munro M.Ed.

Submissions from 2016


Supporting Systems Change via Participatory Decision-Making: Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program Development, Rebecca J. Cook Ph.D., Frank E. Mullins Ph.D., Phoebe A. Okungu Ph.D., and Thomas J. Sinclair M.Ed.


The Development of School Psychology Assessment Centers as Training, Service Delivery, and Research Sites, Nina M. Ellis-Hervey Ph.D., Ashley N. Doss B.S., DeShae C. Davis B.S., and Alison Wilhite-Bradford M.A.


Evaluating the Validity of Texas 2 STEPS, Tracy Hallak and Luis E. Aguerrevere


What I Didn't Know About Teaching: Stressors and Burnout among Deaf Education Teachers, J. Lindsey Kennon Ed.D. and Margaret H. Patterson M.A.


Parental Perceptions of Independence and Efficacy of their Children with Visual Impairments, Michael P. Munro, Maricela M. Garza M.Ed., Janiel R. Hayes M.Ed., and Elizabeth A. Watt M.Ed.


The Impact of Length of Stay on Adjudicated Male Youths;' Language Use: Focusing on Linguistic Analysis of Verbal Samples, Yousun Shin Ph.D.; Terry P. Overton Ph.D., Ed.D.; and Zelica Espinoza M.Ed.

Submissions from 2015


Teaching Orientation and Mobility Skills to Students with Autism and Vision Impairment in Public Schools: A Data-Based Study, Devender, R. Banda; Phoebe A. Okungu Ph.D.; Nora Griffin-Shirley; Melanie K. Meeks; and Olaya Landa-Vialard


Undergraduate Research: An Essential Piece for Underrepresented Students' College Success, Yuleinys A. Castillo and Antonio Estudillo


Using Music and Applied Behaviour Analysis to Introduce an Adaptive Mobility Device to a Student with Multiple Disabilities: A Case Study, Vicki DePountis and L. Kathleen Sheriff


Review of Schooling for resilience: Improving the life trajectories of African-American and Latino Males, Nina M. Ellis-Hervey


Traveling Trunks: Enrich Curriculum with a Global Perspective, Nancy Shepherd

Submissions from 2013


Violence Prevention in Middle School: A Preliminary Study, Wendy K. Killam, Catherine B. Roland, and Bill Weber


The Impact of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms on Maternal Parenting Behaviors, Le'Ann L. Solmonson and Tiffany Stewart

Submissions from 2012


Interstate Distance Education Partnerships: Case Study of Challenges and Accomplishment, Michael P. Munro and Janet L. Kamps


Transforming Training in Orientation and Mobility: Examining the Effect Using an Audio-Link on the Distance Between Trainer and Trainee, Michael P. Munro and Barry H. Stafford

Submissions from 2009


How can a video game cause panic attacks? 1. Effects of an auditory stressor on the human brainstem, Judith Lauter, Elizabeth Mathukutty, and Brandon Scott

Submissions from 2008


Cultural Variations in Parenting and Implications for the Counseling Professional, Le'Ann L. Solmonson