"Impact of the Texas Leaf-Cutting Ant (Atta texana (Buckley) (Order Hym" by David Kulhavy, L. A. Smith et al.

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Conference Proceeding

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Atta texana (Buckley), the Texas leaf-cutting ant, rapidly expanded in a harvested forested landscape on sandhills characterized by droughty soils, causing mortality of planted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda (L.)). The site, composed primarily of Quartzipsamments soils classified as thermic coated Typic Quartzipsamments in the Tonkawa soil series, accounts for approximately 5,000 ha in Nacogdoches, Rusk, Panola, and San Augustine Counties in eastern Texas, USA (Dolezel 1980). These soils are characterized by low fertility, rapid permeability, and extreme acid reaction. These sandhills are resistant to erosion and are considered important ground water recharge areas. The distribution of A. texana central nest mounds and foraging areas was examined using aerial photography, digital orthophotographic quarter quadrangles (DOQQ) (scale 1:6000), and global positioning satellite (GPS) data. Plant nutrition of A. texana nesting areas was examined. Previous soil texture analysis of the central nest mound and adjacent landscapes is presented.


Presented and published (2001) in the Proceedings for the Integrated Management and Dynamics of Forest Defoliating Insects Conference, Victoria British Columbia, Canada, August 15-19, 1999.

Also printed in USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, General Technical Report NE 277, p. 85



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