Faculty Publications | Forestry | Stephen F. Austin State University


Submissions from 2021


Measuring Building Height Using Point Cloud Data Derived from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery in an Undergraduate Geospatial Science Course, David L. Kulhavy, I-Kuai Hung, Daniel R. Unger, Reid Viegut, and Yanli Zhang


Payment for Ecosystem Services: Rewarding the Landowner Who Conserves the Public Good, Steven H. Bullard and Sarah Fuller

Submissions from 2020


Activity Level-Predation Risk Tradeoff in a Tadpole Guild: Implications for Community Organization Along the Hydroperiod Gradient, Nicholas C. Schiwitz, Christopher M. Schalk, and Daniel Saenz


An Integrated Method for Coding Trees, Measuring Tree Diameter, and Estimating Tree Positions, Linhao Sun, Luming Fang, Yuhi Weng, and Siqing Zheng


Initial establishment success of five forages in an east Texas loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) silvopasture, Michael Richard, Ken Farrish, Brian P. Oswald, Hans M. Williams, and Michael Maurer


Initial investigation of seasonal flammability of three invasive East Texas forest understory fuels using thermogravimetric analysis, Mike Tiller, Brian P. Oswald, Alyx Frantzen, Warren Conway, and Ikuai Hung


Integration of CITYgreen Landscape Ecological Analysis into a Capstone Environmental Science Course, David L. Kulhavy, Daniel R. Unger, Reid Viegut, I-Kuai Hung, and Yanli Zhang


Modeling Early Responses of Loblolly Pine Growth to Thinning in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain Region, Yuhi Weng, J. Grogan, and Dean W. Coble


Reconstruction of Piñon–Juniper Woodlands in the Sky Islands of the Davis Mountains, Texas, USA, mohammad Bataineh, Brian P. Oswald, hans M. Williams, Dan Unger, and I-Kuai Hung


Use of Altmetrics to Analyze ScholarWorks in Natural Resource Management, David L. Kulhavy, R Philip Reynolds, Daniel R. Unger, Matthew W. McBroom, I-Kuai Hung, and Yanli Zhang

Submissions from 2019


A New Site Index Model for Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantations in the West Gulf Coastal Plain, Kynda R. Trim, Dean W. Coble, Yuhi Weng, Jeremy P. Stovall, and I-Kuai Hung


A Student Led Investigation of the Landscape Dynamics of Campus Recycling, Brandon McBride, Cheryl L. Scott, David L. Kulhavy, I-Kuai Hung, and Daniel Unger


Correlates of Snake Entanglement in Erosion Control Blankets, Sarah E. Ebert, Kasey L. Jobe, Christopher M. Schalk, Daniel Saenz, Cory K. Adams, and Christopher E. Comer


Distribution of contaminants in the environment and wildlife habitat use: a case study with lead and waterfowl on the Upper Texas Coast, Brian Kearns, Stephen McDowell, Jena A. Moon, Elizabeth Rigby, Warren C. Conway, and David A. Haukos


Effectiveness of Plant Species for Removing Atmospheric Ammonia, Marife B. Anunciado, Sheryll B. Jerez, Hans Williams, Joey Bray, Dean W. Coble, and Rena Saito


Forest Measurements, Yuhi Weng


Individual tree and stand-level carbon and nutrient contents across one rotation of loblolly pine plantations on a reclaimed surface mine, Hannah Z. Angel, Jeremy S. Priest, Jeremy P. Stovall, Brian P. Oswald, and Hans M. Williams


Move it or lose it: interspecific variation in risk response of pond-breeding anurans, Philip Matich and Christopher M. Schalk


Positional Precision Analysis of Orthomosaics Derived from Drone Captured Aerial Imagery, I-Kuai Hung, Daniel Unger, David Kulhavy, and Yanli Zhang


Resin Flow in Loblolly and Shortleaf Pines Used by Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers, David L. Kulhavy, W G. Ross, J H. Sun, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, and Richard N. Conner


Student Led Area Measurement Assessments Using Virtual Globes and Pictometry Web-based Interface within an Undergraduate Spatial Science Curriculum, David Kulhavy, I-Kuai Hung, Daniel Unger, and Yanli Zhang


Temporal changes in fruit production between recurrent prescribed burns in pine woodlands of the Ouachita Mountains, Tamara B. Wood, Christopher E. Comer, Roger W. Perry, and Brian P. Oswald


Variation in carbon concentrations and allocations among Larix olgensis populations growing in three field environments, Jiang Ying, Yuhi Weng, Brian P. Oswald, and Hanguo Zhang


Weed control and overstory reduction improve survival and growth of under‐planted oak and hickory seedlings, Luke B. Oliver, Jeremy Stovall, Chris E. Comer, Hans Williams, and Matt E. Symmank

Submissions from 2018


Accuracy of Unmanned Aerial System (Drone) Height Measurements, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, David Kulhavy, Yanli Zhang, and Kai Busch-Peterson


Endocide-Induced Abnormal Growth Forms of Invasive Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta), Shiyou Li, Ping Wang, Zushang Su, Emily Lozano, Olivia LaMaster, Jason Grogan, Yuhui Weng, Thomas Decker, John Findeisen, and Monica McGarrity


Food Habits of Sympatric Pitvipers from the West Gulf Coastal Plain, USA, Christopher M. Schalk, Toni Trees, Joshua B. Pierce, and D. Craig Rudolph


Giving voice to our First Nations: Creating a framework for indigenous interpretation through education and collaboration, Chay Runnels, Judy A. Abbott, Shelby Gull Laird, Gina Fe G. Causin, Pat Stephens Williams, Theresa Coble, and Sara Ross


Integrating Drone Technology with GPS Data Collection to Enhance Forestry Students Interactive Hands-On Field Experiences, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, Yanli Zhang, and David Kulhavy


Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Measure Linear and Areal Features into Undergraduate Forestry Education, Reid Viegut, David Kulhavy, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, and Brian Humphreys

Public Perceptions towards Wildfire Preparedness in the Veluwe Region of the Netherlands, Brian P. Oswald, Amy Brennan, Pat Stephens Williams, Ray Darville, and Sarah McCaffrey


Radial growth responses of upland oaks following recurrent restoration treatments in northern Mississippi, Kathryn R. Kidd, J. Morgan Varner, and J. Stephen Brewer


Site Factors Influence on Herbaceous Understory Diversity in East Texas Pinus palustris savannas, Brooke McCalip, Brian Oswald, Kathryn R. Kidd, Yuhi Weng, and Kenneth Farrish PhD


Student Led Campus Desire Path Evaluation Using Pictometry® Neighborhood Imagery, David Kulhavy, Daniel Unger, and I-Kuai Hung


Surface and Subsurface Tillage Effects on Mine Soil Properties and Vegetative Response, H. Z. Angel, Jeremy Stovall, Hans Michael Williams, Kenneth W. Farrish, Brian P. Oswald, and J. L. Young

Submissions from 2017


A Comparison of Tree Growth in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantations and Silvopasture Settings in East Texas, B. P. Oswald, Y. Weng, K. W. Farrish, J. Grogan, W. Kruckeberg, and T. Barton


Assessing the Vegetative Diversity of an East Texas Golf Course using Principles of Landscape Ecology, Brian P. Oswald, Penny G. Lanham, Hans M. Williams, and David Kulhavy


Biomass estimations of invasives Yaupon, Chinese Privet and Chinese Tallow in east Texas Hardwood and Pine Ecosystems, Mike Tiller, Brian P. Oswald, Alyx Frantzen, Warren Conway, and I-Kuai Hung


Digital Preservation and Access of Natural Resources Documents, David Kulhavy, R Philip Reynolds, Daniel Unger, Steven H. Bullard, and Matthew W. McBroom


Initial Development of Surface Fuel Models for The Netherlands, Brian P. Oswald, Nienke Brouwer, and Ester Willemsen


Mechanisms of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) invasion and their management implications – A review, Lauren S. Pile, G. Geoff Wang, Jeremy P. Stovall, Evan Siemann, Gregory S. Wheeler, and Christopher A. Gabler


Reconstruction of Piñon-Juniper Forest Structure to Examine Historic Wildlife Habitat Characteristics in the Davis Mountains, USA, Brian P. Oswald, John R. Lanham, James C. Kroll, Mohammed M. Bataineh, and Yanli Zhang


Response of East Texas Mid-Rotation Loblolly Pine Plantations to Poultry Litter and Chemical Fertilizer Amendments, Brian P. Oswald, Micah-John Bieirle, Hans M. Williams, Kenneth W. Farrish, and I-Kuai Hung


Responses to Prescribed Fire at Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas, USA, B. P. Oswald, D. M. Boensch, H. M. Williams, and I-Kuai Hung


Seasonal Survival of Adult Female Mottled Ducks, Jena A. Moon, David A. Haukos, and Warren C. Conway


Site Index Prediction for Willow and Cherrybark Oaks in East Texas Bottomland Forests, B. P. Oswald, Y. Weng, and G. D. Kronrad


Vegetative Comunitiy Development over 30 years within pine plantations on reclaimed mine land in east Texas., Christy Christian, Brian P. Oswald, Hans M. Williams, and Kenneth W. Farrish

Submissions from 2016


Accuracy Assessment of Pictometry® Height Measurements Stratified by Cardinal Direction and Image Magnification Factor, Daniel Unger, David Kulhavy, I-Kuai Hung, and Yanli Zhang


Comparing Remotely Sensed Pictometry® Web Based Slope Distance Estimates with In Situ Total Station and Tape Slope Distance Estimates, David Kulhavy, Daniel Unger, Yanli Zhang, Phillip Bedford, and I-Kuai Hung


Effects of First Thinning on Growth of Loblolly Pine Plantations in the West Coastal Plain, Dean W. Coble and Jason Grogan


Endocidal Regulation of Secondary Metabolites in the Producing Organisms, Shiyou Li, Ping Wang, Wei Yuan, Zushang Su, and Steven H. Bullard


Evaluating Interactive Transect Area Assessments Hands-On Instruction for Natural Resource Undergraduate Students, Daniel Unger, Sarah Schwab, Ryan Jacques, Yanli Zhang, I-Kuai Hung, and David L. Kulhavy


Expansion of the MANAGE Database with Forest and Drainage Studies, Daren R. Harmel, Laura E. Christianson, Matthew W. McBroom, Douglas R. Smith, and Kori D. Higgs


Forage Yields in Turkey Hill Wilderness in East Texas for White-tailed Deer, Brian P. Oswald, Kenneth W. Farrish, and Bret Gentzler


Incorporating Applied Undergraduate Research in Senior to Graduate Level Remote Sensing Courses, Richard Henley, Daniel Unger, David Kulhavy, and I-Kuai Hung


Inhibition of Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella oxytoca by Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and Garlic Pills, Lucinda Choules, Dennis A. Gravatt, Stephen M. Kosovich, Wei Yuan, Ping Wang, and Ron Havner


Integrating Faculty Led Service Learning Training to Quantify Height of Natural Resources from a Spatial Science Perspective, Daniel Unger, David Kulhavy, Kai Busch-Peterson, and I-Kuai Hung


Overstory Tree Mortality in the Ponderosa Pine and Spruce-Fir Ecosystems, Following a Drought in Northern New Mexico, Brian P. Oswald, Sean Dugan, Randy Balice, and Daniel Unger


Quality and yield of seven forages grown under partial shading of a simulated silvopastoral system in east Texas, J. Hill, K. Farrish, B. Oswald, L. Young, and A. Shadow


Spatial Distribution of Earthworms in an East Texas Forest Ecosystem, Melissa A. Bozarth, Kenneth W. Farrish, George A. Damoff, James Van Kley, and J. Leon Young


Use of a Portable Sawmill for Forestry Instruction, Matthew McBroom, David Kulhavy, Jeremy Stovall, and Ryan P. Grisham


Vegetative Community Development over 30 Years within Mixed Pine-Hardwood Mine Reclamation sites in east Texas, Christy Christian, Brian P. Oswald, Hans M. Williams, and Kenneth W. Farrish

Submissions from 2015


Decomposition of Three Common Moist-Soil Managed Wetland Plant Species, Daniel P. Collins, Warren C. Conway, Corey D. Mason, and Jeffrey W. Gunnels


Effects of Competing Vegetation on Growth of Loblolly Pine Plantations in the West Gulf Coastal Plain, Dean W. Coble


If it Pays, it Stays - Rewarding Private Forest Landowners, Steven H. Bullard


Implementation of Collaborative Learning as a High-Impact Practice in a Natural Resources Management Section of Freshman Seminar, Matthew W. McBroom, Steven H. Bullard, David Kulhavy, and Daniel R. Unger


Integrating Hands-On Undergraduate Research in an Applied Spatial Science Senior Level Capstone Course, David Kulhavy, Daniel R. Unger, I-Kuai Hung, and David Douglass


Loblolly Pine Growth Patterns on Reclaimed Mineland: Allometry, Biomass, and Volume, Jeremy Priest, Jeremy Stovall, Dean Coble, Brian Oswald, and Hans Williams


Resin Production in Natural and Artificial Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavity Trees, David Kulhavy, Kimberly B. Rozelle, William G. Ross, Daniel Unger, and Richard N. Conner


Stereo Photo Series for Estimating Natural Fuels in The Netherlands Volume 3: Veen, Brian P. Oswald

Submissions from 2014


Accuracy Assessment of Land Cover Maps of Forests within an Urban and Rural Environment, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, and David L. Kulhavy


Artificial Nests Identify Possible Nest Predators of Eastern Wild Turkeys (Abstract Only), Warren C. Conway and Christopher E. Comer


Bullish on Forestry Careers, Steven H. Bullard and Thomas J. Straka


Comparing remotely sensed Pictometry® Web-based height estimates with in situ clinometer and laser range finder height estimates (Abstract), Daniel R. Unger, I-Kuai Hung, and David L. Kulhavy


Comparison of Tree Condition and Value for City Parks and Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, U.S., David Kulhavy, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, Di Wu, and Jianghua Sun


New Host and Location Record for the Bat Bug Cimex adjunctus Barber 1939, with a Summary of Previous Records, M. E. Grilliot, J. L. Hunt, C. G. Sims, and Chris E. Comer


Online Integrity: Student Authentication in an Online Course, Susan Evans Jennings, M. Gail Weatherly, and S. Ann Wilson


Producing “Society-Ready” Foresters: A Research-Based Process to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Forestry Curriculum at Stephen F. Austin State University, Steven H. Bullard, Pat Stephens Williams, Theresa Coble, Dean W. Coble, Ray Darville, and Laurie Rogers


Roosts of Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats and Southeastern Myotis in East Texas (Abstract), Leigh A. Struemke, Christopher E. Comer, and Warren C. Conway


University-Based Forestry Research and "The Little Red Hen", Steven H. Bullard


Using Infrared-Triggered Cameras to Monitor Activity of Forest Carnivores, Matthew E. Symmank, Christopher E. Comer, and James Kroll


Using Infrared-Triggered Cameras to Monitor Activity of Forest Carnivores, Matthew E. Symmank, Christopher E. Comer, and James C. Kroll


Validating One-On-One GPS Instruction Methodology for Natural Resource Area Assessments Using Forestry Undergraduate Students, Daniel R. Unger

Submissions from 2013


[6]-Gingerol: A Novel AT1 Antagonist for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease (Abstract), Qing Liu, Jinjin Liu, Haili Guo, Shengnan Sun, Shifeng Wang, Yanling Zhang, Shiyou Li, and Yanjiang Qiao


Accuracy Assessment of Perimeter and Area Calculations Using Consumer-Grade GPS Units in Southern Forests, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung, Yanli Zhang, Jeffrey Parker, David Kulhavy, and Dean W. Coble


A spatial analysis of the forestry industries in East Texas, Yanli Zhang, Matthew W. McBroom, and Steven H. Bullard


Effect of application timing on efficacy of site preparation treatments using Chopper® GEN 2™, Andrew W. Ezell, Jimmie L. Yeiser, D. K. Lauer, and H. E. Quicke


Fifth-year pine growth response to woody release treatments in young loblolly plantations, Andrew W. Ezell, Jimmie L. Yeiser, and L. R. Nelson


Influence of Translocations on Eastern Wild Turkey Population Genetics in Texas, Christopher E. Comer, Warren C. Conway, Gary Calkins, Sabrina Seidel, Randy Deyoung, and Jason Hardin


Modeling Thinning in East Texas Loblolly and Slash Pine Plantations, Dean W. Coble


Multitargeting By Turmeric, The Golden Spice: From Kitchen to Clinic (Abstract), Subash C. Gupta, Bokyung Sung, Ji Hye Kim, Sahdeo Prasad, Shiyou Li, and Bharat Aggarwal


Runoff of Silvicultural Herbicides Applied Using Best Management Practices, Matthew W. McBroom, Jeff Louch, R Scott Beasley, Mingteh Chang, and George G. Ice


Seasonal variation in offspring sex ratio in the Snowy Plover, Sarah T. Saalfeld, Warren C. Conway, David A. Haukos, and William P. Johnson


Stereo Photo Series for Estimating Natural Fuels in The Netherlands Volume 2: Dunes Region, Brian P. Oswald


Stream Water Quality and Quantity Effects from Select Timber Harvesting of a Streamside Management Zone, Luke Sanders and Matthew W. McBroom


Studies on Water Resources in Forested East Texas, Matthew W. McBroom


Triterpenoid saponins from Eryngium yuccifolium ‘Kershaw Blue’ (Abstract), Ping Wang, Wei Yuan, Guangrui Deng, Zushang Su, and Shiyou Li


Using GIS-Based, Regional Extent Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify Conservation Priority Areas: A Case Study of the Louisiana Black Bear in East Texas, Christopher E. Comer, I-Kuai Hung, Gary Calkins, Dan J. Kaminski, and Nathan Garner


Using Landscape-Scale Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify Recovery Areas for the Louisiana Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) in East Texas, Dan J. Kaminski and Christopher E. Comer


What Do Genetics Tell Us About Eastern Wild Turkeys in the Pineywoods?, Christopher E. Comer and Sabrina Seidel