"Table of Contents - Potential for Biological Control of Dendroctonus a" by David Kulhavy and Mitchel C. Miller

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PART ONE - BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Concepts and Implications

Potential for Biological Control of Dendroctonus and Ips Bark Beetles: The Case for and Against the Biological Control of Bark Beetles.

Donald L. Dahlsten and Mark C. Whitmore .................................................................. 3

Alternative and Successful Biological Control in Theory and Practice

David Pimentel and Heikki Hokkanen ......................................................................... 21

PART TWO - CLASSICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Practical Considerations and Applications

Olfactory Basis For Insect Enemies Of Allied Species

T.L. Payne ......................................................................................................................... 55

Barke Beetles, Natural Enemies, Management Selection Interactions

T. Evan Nebeker .............................................................................................................. 71

Biological Control of Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Australia - A Preliminary Evaluation

C. Wayne Berisford and Donald L. Dahlsten ............................................................. 81

Interactions between Rhizophagus grandis (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae) and Dendroctonus micans (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in the Field and the Laboratory: Their Application for the Biological Control of D. micans in France

Jean-Claude Grégoire, Marianne Baisier, Joel Merlin, Yann Naccache ............. 95

Biological Control of Dendroctonus micans (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): British Experience of Rearing and Releasing of Rhizophagus grandis (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae)

Hugh F. Evans and Colin J. King ................................................................................ 109

PART THREE - Natural Occurrences of Biological Control

The Natural Enemies of Ips typographus in Central Europe: Impact and Potential Use in Biological Control

N.J. Mills and J. Schlup ................................................................................................ 131

Dendroctonus armandi Tsai et Li (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in China: Its Natural Enemies and Their Potential as Biological Control Agents

Yang Zhongqi ................................................................................................................. 147

Ips spp. Natural Enemy Relationships in the Gulf Coastal States

David L. Kulhavy, Richard A. Goyer, James W. Bing and M.A. Riley .................. 157

Impact of Arthropod Natural Enemies on Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Mortality and Their Potential Role in Infestation Growth

Frederick M. Stephen, Marita P. Lih, Gerald W. Wallis ........................................... 169

PART FOUR - The Potential for Insect Enemies of Allied Species

Inoculative Release of An Exotic Predator for the Biological Control of the Black Turpentine Beetle

John C. Moser ................................................................................................................ 189

Cross-Attraction Surveys for Insect Enemies of Southern Pine Beetle

Mark D. McGregor and Mitchel C. Miller ................................................................... 201

Responses of Insect Associates of Allied Species to Dendroctonus and Ips (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Aggregation Pheromones: A Search for Biological Control Agents

M.C. Miller, M. McGregor, D.L. Dahlsten, M.C. Whitmore et al. ............................ 213

An Administrative Perspective on North American Bark Beetles and Biological Control Opportunities

K.H. Knauer .................................................................................................................... 231

An Overview of Biological Control Research in the Forest Service

James L. Stewart ........................................................................................................... 237



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