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Mississippi's long-run softwood timber potential was estimated for three input situations under a common set of economic and biological assumptions. Economic goals for sustained pine production were estimated using the computer program GASPLY with no restrictions, with private nonindustrial upland hardwoods excluded from type conversion and with private nonindustrial lands excluded from active forest management altogether. Estimated price-quantity equilibria ranged from $301 per thousand cubic feet (MCF) and 966 million cubic feet (MMCF) in the unrestricted case, to $1,226/MCF and 479 MMCF in the example with passive private nonindustrial management. Widely diffel'ing potential goals for pine product-ion highlight the degree to which Mississippi's future softwood availability and related economic activity can be influenced by private nonindustrial actions.
Forestry is a vital part of the Mississippi economy and way of life. Future softwood timber availability in the State is related closely to the level of management practiced by private nonindustrial forest landowners. These individuals control more than 70% of the State's 16.7 million acres of forest land and two-thirds of the total growing stock (Murphy 1978). The impacts of some extreme cases of private nonindustrial forest management on long-run softwood timber supplies are presented. These cases highlight the potential for such landowners to influence softwood supply and price in Mississippi. A discussion of methods used to analyze softwood availability in Mississippi is followed by model results and a summary of implications.
Repository Citation
Bullard, Steven H.; Weaver, G. H.; and van Hees, Willem W. S., "Mississippi’s softwood timber potential: Private nonindustrial influences" (1984). Faculty Publications. 144.
Bullard, S.H., G.H. Weaver, and W.W.S. van Hees. 1984. Mississippi’s softwood timber potential: Private nonindustrial influences. Miss. Ag. and For. Exp. Stn. Info. Bull. 56, Mississippi State, MS, 6 p.