Home > Journals > ETHJ > Vol. 2 (1964) > Iss. 2
ETHJ Vol-2 No-2
Title Page
ETHA Information
Table of Contents
The Pines of Texas, a Study in Lumbering and Public Policy, 1880-1930Robert S. Maxwell
The Penetration of Foreigners and Foreign Ideas into Spanish East Texas, 1793-1810Odie B. Faulk
Dudley Crawford Sharp-Secretary for AirRobert C. Cotner and Peyton E. Cook
A Duel with Railroads: Houston vs. Galveston, 1866-1881Vera L. Dugas
The Social and Economic Consequences of the Discovery of Oil in Titus CountyMorris Blachard
Remarks of Judge Joe J. Fisher at the Dedication of the United States Courthouse, Marshall Division
East Texas
East Texas Colloquy
Book Reviews
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ISSN: 0424-1444