Strengths and Barriers of Rural Deep East Texas: Findings from the Needs Assessment of the Deep East Texas Opioid Crisis
This session involves the presentation of material by Dr. Jose Carbajal and graduate student Erin Carson. They have traveled to ten of the twelve counties of Deep East Texas facilitating 11 community conversation meetings and 7 focus groups to discuss the needs and opportunities for change in these rural communities regarding Opioid Use Disorder. Partnering with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Deep East Texas, Carbajal and Carson were given the unique opportunity to hear from close to 200 local professionals and community members regarding the needs of rural East Texas. Their goal is to present the diversity of rural communities and the unique needs of these communities. Testimonials from the meetings will be shared as examples of the hardships faced by the unique barriers that rural communities bring. They hope to promote awareness of the limitations that many professionals, consumers, and families struggling with the effects of drug abuse face in rural communities.
Time Frame of Presentation
50 minutes
viii. Social Issues
Session format (lecture, roundtable, or other)
Students, Faculty, Community
Strengths and Barriers of Rural Deep East Texas: Findings from the Needs Assessment of the Deep East Texas Opioid Crisis
This session involves the presentation of material by Dr. Jose Carbajal and graduate student Erin Carson. They have traveled to ten of the twelve counties of Deep East Texas facilitating 11 community conversation meetings and 7 focus groups to discuss the needs and opportunities for change in these rural communities regarding Opioid Use Disorder. Partnering with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Deep East Texas, Carbajal and Carson were given the unique opportunity to hear from close to 200 local professionals and community members regarding the needs of rural East Texas. Their goal is to present the diversity of rural communities and the unique needs of these communities. Testimonials from the meetings will be shared as examples of the hardships faced by the unique barriers that rural communities bring. They hope to promote awareness of the limitations that many professionals, consumers, and families struggling with the effects of drug abuse face in rural communities.