SFA ScholarWorks - Diversity Conference: Building Your Brand: Greek Edition



Building Your Brand: Greek Edition


This presentation will highlight the topic of communication and branding. We will give examples of how communication and branding is essential in Greek Life and in the professional world. We will do this through ice breakers that will provide real world examples, and discussions that will spark the audience to reflect on the brand perceptions and stereotypes of your organization, along with breakout activities. We will discuss the components of what communication is and what that looks like specifically in Greek organizations. Moreover, we will discuss how this is synthesized into professional settings and how your brand is developed along with that. Building your brand will also be a theme within our presentation in which we will discuss how this goes hand in hand with communication within Greek organizations. This session is not exclusive to Greeks. We will explain how these skills transfer to other organizations and into the workforce.

Time Frame of Presentation

50 minutes


x. Other:



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Feb 7th, 1:00 PM Feb 7th, 1:50 PM

Building Your Brand: Greek Edition

This presentation will highlight the topic of communication and branding. We will give examples of how communication and branding is essential in Greek Life and in the professional world. We will do this through ice breakers that will provide real world examples, and discussions that will spark the audience to reflect on the brand perceptions and stereotypes of your organization, along with breakout activities. We will discuss the components of what communication is and what that looks like specifically in Greek organizations. Moreover, we will discuss how this is synthesized into professional settings and how your brand is developed along with that. Building your brand will also be a theme within our presentation in which we will discuss how this goes hand in hand with communication within Greek organizations. This session is not exclusive to Greeks. We will explain how these skills transfer to other organizations and into the workforce.