
Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center Theatre

Start Date

9-4-2024 4:00 PM

End Date

9-4-2024 7:00 PM


Our goal was to make a dynamic word unscrambler app based on the random generation of words from a database. The original database contains 4,320 of the most common words in the English language. This project was originally designed in Visual Studio Code in java and takes input from the terminal. The project was later translated into C# and transferred into Unity to provide a visual and dynamic interface for users.


Faculty Sponsor: Matthew Beauregard (Department of Computer Science)



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Apr 9th, 4:00 PM Apr 9th, 7:00 PM

Megordle: A Wdolre Usclnbaermr

Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center Theatre

Our goal was to make a dynamic word unscrambler app based on the random generation of words from a database. The original database contains 4,320 of the most common words in the English language. This project was originally designed in Visual Studio Code in java and takes input from the terminal. The project was later translated into C# and transferred into Unity to provide a visual and dynamic interface for users.


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