SFA ScholarWorks - Undergraduate Research Conference: Professional Development as an Opportunity to Enhance Your Praxis


Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

Start Date

11-4-2023 4:00 PM

End Date

11-4-2023 7:00 PM


This study examines the impact of participating in two different professional developments on enhancing praxis. The first professional development focused on skill-building while the second focused on reflective practice. Results indicate that both professional developments were effective in enhancing praxis, but the reflective practice approach had a greater impact on sustained improvement. These findings suggest that a combination of skill-building and reflective practice can be an effective approach to professional development for enhancing praxis.


Faculty Sponsor: Sarah Straub (Department of Education Studies)

Included in

Education Commons



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Apr 11th, 4:00 PM Apr 11th, 7:00 PM

Professional Development as an Opportunity to Enhance Your Praxis

Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

This study examines the impact of participating in two different professional developments on enhancing praxis. The first professional development focused on skill-building while the second focused on reflective practice. Results indicate that both professional developments were effective in enhancing praxis, but the reflective practice approach had a greater impact on sustained improvement. These findings suggest that a combination of skill-building and reflective practice can be an effective approach to professional development for enhancing praxis.


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