SFA ScholarWorks - Undergraduate Research Conference: Perceptions of Current Tipping Customs and Feasibility of a No-Tip Policy in a Micropolitan Area of Texas


Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

Start Date

18-4-2017 4:00 PM

End Date

18-4-2017 7:30 PM


The purpose of this research is to examine the issues surrounding the recent trend to establish a no-tipping policy in American full-service restaurants. Most businesses experimenting with alternative tipping policies are in metropolitan areas, so this research attempts to examine a micropolitan city’s perspective on tip and no-tip policies in full-service restaurants in the area.



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Apr 18th, 4:00 PM Apr 18th, 7:30 PM

Perceptions of Current Tipping Customs and Feasibility of a No-Tip Policy in a Micropolitan Area of Texas

Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

The purpose of this research is to examine the issues surrounding the recent trend to establish a no-tipping policy in American full-service restaurants. Most businesses experimenting with alternative tipping policies are in metropolitan areas, so this research attempts to examine a micropolitan city’s perspective on tip and no-tip policies in full-service restaurants in the area.


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