SFA ScholarWorks - Undergraduate Research Conference: Mastering Macbeth


Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

Start Date

31-3-2016 4:00 PM

End Date

31-3-2016 7:30 PM


The Tragedy of Macbeth is widely acknowledged as one of the theatre’s greatest tragedies. The play opens to the end of a massive battle in which Macbeth has just defeated the former Thane who sought to overthrow the king. Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches, who promise that he will be king. To ensure the infallibility of the prophecy, Lady Macbeth plots the King’s murder and Macbeth does the deed. The Macbeths are crowned and are henceforth miserable, haunted by their guilt. The play is about a number of things such as political ambition, murder, love, and fate.



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Mar 31st, 4:00 PM Mar 31st, 7:30 PM

Mastering Macbeth

Stephen F Austin State University, Baker Pattillo Student Center, Student Center Theatre and Twilight Ballroom

The Tragedy of Macbeth is widely acknowledged as one of the theatre’s greatest tragedies. The play opens to the end of a massive battle in which Macbeth has just defeated the former Thane who sought to overthrow the king. Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches, who promise that he will be king. To ensure the infallibility of the prophecy, Lady Macbeth plots the King’s murder and Macbeth does the deed. The Macbeths are crowned and are henceforth miserable, haunted by their guilt. The play is about a number of things such as political ambition, murder, love, and fate.


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