"A LumberJack Sunflower, Blooming from Undergraduate Research" by Robert J. Hurt and James Morris

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Publication Date

Spring 2-2018


It was one year ago in spring 2017 when I did not understand how to write research, let alone be confident in it. In the fall 2016 semester, I was part of a class project that worked to provide donations to families affected by flooding in Louisiana. In the following spring 2017 semester, I worked to present my own findings and practice from that project towards a research paper. From that paper I earned the opportunity to be part of an Undergraduate Research Conference. In the timespan of one year from that conference to spring 2018, I worked harder in research and presentations. Going further in research provided me many opportunities to grow professionally. The university I am attending seeks to transform its students with research and learning experiences. This paper seeks to speak about how research and learned experiences as envisioned by the author’s university can turn students into better versions of themselves, by providing examples of learned experiences from the author as an undergraduate student.


ORCID: 000-001-5367-8809

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Social Work Commons



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