"Negotiating the Baptist Influence in East Texas: Examining ‘Multiple Reflections’ to Disrupt the Local Sociopolitical Stage" by Brandon L. Fox


The purpose of this paper is to examine multiple reflections (Ronai, 1995) of a White, southern male navigating through and of the influence of the Missionary Baptist church in rural East Texas. While East Texas continues to engage in social struggle through economics and identity politics, the author desires to examine the role of the Missionary Baptist church in maintaining certain power structures and borders (Anzaldúa, 2012). The author critically reflects on intersections of culture, religion, and power to engage in naming (Freire, 1970) covert means that influence the sociopolitical complex (Conquergood, 2002). Themes across autoethnographic reflections are identified and further critically analyzed to provide responses for conditions of social equity in a context that is marred by discrimination across race, class, gender, sexuality, and other sociocultural variables.

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