"Intensive Archeological Survey for the Proposed Enclave at Pecan Creek" by Melissa M. Green and Brett Lang


Texas Historical Commission


On July 3 and 5, 2019, an intensive archeological survey was completed in order to evaluate potential impacts associated with the proposed construction of a residential subdivision in the Town of Providence Village in east-central Denton County, Texas. A total of 162.64 acres (65.81 hectares) were examined with 65.39 acres (26.46 hectares) intensively shovel tested. The project would be situated between Farm-to-Market Road 2931 and Pecan Creek at the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 2931 and Brewer Road with private properties as the north and south boundaries.

Brett Lang (Principal Investigator) of Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc. carried out the survey in support of a Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit (SWF-2018-00261) for the United States Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended. A Texas Antiquities Permit was not required.

Based on background review of available data, the potential for intact archeological deposits was considered low for prehistoric and relatively high for historic sites within the archeological area of potential effects. Ground surface visibility varied across the parcel between 0 and 30 percent, depending on the area. Thirty shovel test units were excavated to examine the potential for subsurface archeological deposits in areas around an existing small lake and small pond. The majority of the parcel has been utilized for agricultural practices and grazing in the past and until it was sold in 2018, but urban development of the general area is rapidly encroaching in the area. One historic-age archeological site, 41DN618, was identified during the survey, but lacks integrity and is thus recommended not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. No further work is recommended within the area of potential effects prior to the construction.

No artifacts were collected during the investigation however, all notes, photographs, administrative documents, and other project data will be made permanently available to future researchers via an appropriate public facility.

If any unanticipated cultural materials or deposits are found at any stage of clearing, preparation, or construction, the work should cease and Texas Historical Commission personnel should be notified immediately.

The Texas Historical Commission and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concurred with the findings and recommendations of this investigation on August 12, 2019.

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