"Spring Creek Nature Area Collin County, Texas" by Cody S. Davis and Joy C. Tatem


Texas Historical Commission


Richardson Parks & Recreation Department is planning new trails and park features for the additional acreage the city recently acquired around the Spring Creek Nature Area in Richardson, Texas. The city acquired an additional 50 acres in the southwestern portion of Collin County. The parks department has plans to construct new trails and park facilities on the properties to connect to existing facilities. The overall property is bounded by Renner Road on the north, Plano Road on the east, and Routh Creek Parkway on the west. The additional properties were surveyed and a total of 46 shovel tests were excavated on January 10, 11, and 15, 2018 under Texas Antiquities Permit 8257. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if significant cultural resources are present in the newly acquired acreage. Site 41COL82 was an Early Archaic prehistoric artifact scatter recorded during the original survey in 1991, however, the site was not relocated and appears to have been destroyed or eroded away. The site is therefore not recommended eligible for NRHP or SAL listing. Site 41COL304 is the remains of a mid-20th century historic trash scatter and is not recommended eligible for NRHP or SAL listing given the surficial nature of the site and broadly diagnostic artifacts. No other cultural resources were identified on or below the surface during the survey. Based on the results of the survey, ARC concludes that further cultural resource investigations for this project are unwarranted, and requests that the THC concur with this recommendation. However, if buried cultural materials are discovered during construction, the Archeology Division of the THC should be notified. The project will be curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University, San Marcos.

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