"Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Vessel Sherds from Sites in the White Oak Cree" by Timothy K. Perttula


Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology




The ancestral Caddo ceramic vessel sherd assemblages discussed in this article are from five sites in the White Oak Creek basin in the Blackland Prairie of East Texas (Figure 1). They are the E. B. Minter Farm (41HP2), R. H. Taylor Farm (41HP4), Hilman Hathcoat (41HP9), Avery Rasurer (41HP10), and Tom Cannon Farm (41HP11) sites. They were investigated by archaeologists from The University of Texas in 1931 or 1934 who were in search of whole Caddo vessels and burial features, and the collections obtained from the sites (including donated or purchased collections) are held by the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin (TARL). The collections include ceramic vessel sherds from each of the sites, elbow pipes from two of the sites, and a few vessels from the E. B. Minter and R. H. Taylor Farm sites.

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