"An Intensive Pedestrian Survey for the Proposed Rogers Ranch Segment o" by José E. Zapata


José E. Zapata


Texas Historical Commission


In May 2017, CAR staff completed a 100 percent pedestrian survey of the proposed Rogers Ranch segment of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System for Adams Environmental, Inc. (AEI) on behalf of the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department. In addition to the pedestrian survey, the field crew was tasked with completing shovel tests along this 5.9-km segment or Area of Potential Effect (APE). The work was undertaken in order to identify and document all prehistoric and/or historic resources that might be impacted by the proposed trail, as required by the Texas Antiquities Code. Archaeological work was completed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8009. In December 2017, the CAR was made aware of a trail modification that included the addition of a connecting trail in an area just northwest of the Loop 1604 and Salado Creek intersection. A pedestrian survey and two shovel tests were completed in this additional area. José Zapata served as Project Archaeologist, and Dr. Paul Shawn Marceaux served as Principal Investigator.

Given that much of the trail extended very near or within the Salado Creek streambed, and that much of the area lacked soil deposition or was covered by heavy gravels, only 36 shovel tests were completed. Only two shovel tests were positive for cultural material, a lithic flake and burned rock. The 5.9-km trail segment included a 24.4-m wide easement, and the survey and testing was limited to the extent of this APE. Nevertheless, a review of the literature and Texas Historical Commission (THC) Sites Atlas noted 18 previously recorded sites within 500 m of the trail. The THC Site Atlas was used to produce a georeferenced map showing the 18 sites, of which seven appeared to be within the APE. As a result of this survey and shovel testing, CAR staff noted negligible traces of only two of the seven sites. A mid-twentieth-century wood-frame structure was noted at site 41BX875, and lithic flakes and a burned rock fragment were noted at opposite ends of 41BX920, an elongated lithic scatter site. Past and ongoing development along either side of the Salado Creek likely led to erosion or otherwise impacted the other five sites.

Of the seven sites within the APE, 41BX22 was the only one that was previously determined eligible for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listing when first recorded (THC 2017). Site 41BX22 is no longer recognizable, as it was likely impacted by the widening of Loop 1604. The CAR recommended that none of the seven sites are eligible for listing as NRHP or State Antiquities Landmark (SAL). The CAR also recommended no further archaeology in advance of the proposed Rogers Ranch trail segment.

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