"Archaeological Survey Of The Proposed Grapevine Aerial SS Repair Tarra" by Philip R. Fisher and Molly A. Hall


Texas Historical Commission


The City of Grapevine is proposing to repair an aerial sanitary sewer across Big Bear Creek in Tarrant County, Texas. The project area is located on the south side of a horseshoe bend in the floodplain of Big Bear Creek, north of Western Oaks Drive and west of Texas State Highway 121. AR Consultants, Inc. (ARC) conducted the intensive pedestrian archaeological survey in an area approximately 50-meters by 25-meters (0.3-acres) on June 8, 2018. Four shovel tests were excavated within the project area during the systematic field inspection. The archaeological potential for prehistoric and historic cultural resources was considered low. During survey, no cultural resources were identified in the shovel tests or found on the surface. Given the results of this survey, AR Consultants, Inc. recommends that further cultural resource investigations are unnecessary for this project, and requests that the Texas Historical Commission and the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concur with this recommendation. The field notes, photographs, and photo logs will be curated with the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.

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