

Texas Historical Commission


Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC is planning to construct the Riverton Sw. – Tunstill Point of Delivery (POD) and Arroyo Bluff POD 138-kV transmission line routes in Reeves County, Texas. Halff Associates, Inc., the routing consultant for Oncor, contracted with AR Consultants, Inc. to conduct an intensive pedestrian survey of the 6.57 miles of new 138-kV transmission line on private property. Survey was conducted June 4-6, 2018. Seventeen shovel tests were excavated near drainages, where buried deposits were expected, and two 15-m transects were walked within the 70-ft-wide survey corridor (approximately 54 acres).

Two archaeological sites were identified and recorded. Site 41RV61 is an abandoned segment of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, dating from the early-20th century. This site is in poor condition, the rails and most of the ties having been removed. Site 41RV142 is a surficial historic trash deposit with artifacts dating from the late-19th century to the mid-20th century. The site been poorly preserved. ARC recommends both sites ineligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Properties. Therefore, no additional cultural resources investigations are recommended for this project. However, should the proposed right-of-way alignment change, additional archaeological survey may be necessary. Furthermore, should any cultural resources be discovered during the construction activities associated with the project, work in the immediate area should cease and the Texas Historical Commission should be contacted.

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