

Texas Historical Commission


On behalf of Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed Buffalo to Hogan Project located on lands owned or maintained by the City of Midland, Texas in Martin and Midland counties. The overall project area includes 2.73 miles of pipeline construction within a 100-foot-wide corridor, for a total area of 33.09 acres. The project area lies approximately 16.9 km southeast of Rankin, Texas. All work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit Number 8412, as the project is located on lands owned or maintained by the City of Midland, Texas.

The background literature and records review revealed that most of the project area was previously surveyed for cultural resources. The background review also revealed no previously recorded sites within or adjacent to the proposed project area, and only one site has been recorded within 1 mile of the project area. The previously recorded site (41MD46), has no information available on the Texas Antiquities Sites Atlas (TASA) (Texas Historical Commission [THC] 2018). The site lies outside of the project area and will not be impacted by project construction.

The archaeological investigations included an intensive pedestrian survey augmented by shovel testing within the project area. Forty-three shovel tests were excavated along the project centerline. A total of two additional shovel tests were not excavated due to existing pipelines subsurface. No prehistoric or historicage cultural materials were identified on the ground surface within the 100-foot-wide centerline survey corridor.

In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 800.4 (b)(1) and the Antiquities Code of Texas, SWCA has made a reasonable and good faith effort to identify significant cultural resources within the project area. No properties listed or otherwise eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), or for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL), were identified within the project area. Consequently, SWCA recommends no further archaeological investigation and a finding of NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES AFFECTED under 36 CFR 800.4(d)(1). Per requirements of the Antiquities Code of Texas, project documentation will be curated with the Texas State Center for Archaeological Studies.

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