"Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed 137-acre Grantwood Park, Har" by Todd McMakin


Todd McMakin


Texas Historical Commission


Stone Point Services completed a cultural resources survey for a proposed 55-hectare (137-acre) county park in Cypress, Texas. The study area consists of an irregularly shaped former subdivision located southwest of Grant Road in Cypress, Texas. The project area is primarily wooded with mature oaks and pines mixed with a few ornamental trees and is bounded to the northwest by Cypress Creek. Field investigations were conducted between July 27 and July 28, 2017. Survey methods included a pedestrian archaeological survey with shovel testing. In total, 117 shovel tests were excavated within the survey area, representing one shovel test per 1.2-acres, with most shovel tests located along Cypress Creek. Shovel tests were placed in areas with the least disturbance or where cultural deposits were most likely to be identified. Much of this area consists of a subdivision setting with houses that were demolished due to flooding in 2016. As such, significant disturbance was noted over much of the area. Soils noted across the survey area, when not disturbed, included mostly gray loam away from Cypress Creek and sand deposits over loam near Cypress Creek. The entire area is subject to periodic flooding. No archaeological sites or historic standing structures were recorded during the survey. Survey methods conducted at the proposed park site meet or exceed methods recommended by the Texas Historical Commission and the Council of Texas Archeologists for surveys of 200-acres or less.

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