"Salvage along the Red River: The Red Cox (3LA18) Site and its Place on" by Duncan P. McKinnon, Ryan Nguyen et al.


Caddo Archeology Journal




The Red Cox (3LA18) site is located in Lafayette County, Arkansas along the Red River. As recounted in his weekly report of April 9, 1975, Dr. Frank Schambach received word that the site was being directly impacted by land leveling machinery. Salvage efforts collected the remains from the floor of a burned Caddo farmstead structure. Remains include ceramic sherds, carbonized corn kernels, acorn nutmeat and nutshells, burned wood fragments, and bits of daub. In this paper, we present the results of a recent analysis of the materials and situate the farmstead within the Red River landscape during a period shortly after Haley (ca. A.D. 1200 - 1400) phase and into the early part of the Belcher (ca. A.D. 1400 - 1700) phase.

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