"Archeological Survey of FM 108 Bridge Replacement at Sandies Creek Gon" by Christopher Ringstaff


Texas Historical Commission


On June 27, 2017, TxDOT conducted an intensive archeological survey for the proposed bridge replacement at FM 108 at Sandies Creek in Gonzales County, Texas. This proposed project would replace the existing 25 –foot-wide bridge with an approximately 45 foot-wide bridge. The total area of potential effects (APE) for the two bridge replacements is approximately 3.7 acres. No new ROW or easements are proposed for the project. Although the schematic design plans show only fill being added to the existing ground surface of the roadway approaches, depth of impact for the support pilings is estimated at approximately 50 feet.

A 100 percent pedestrian survey was conducted at both proposed bridge replacement project area. The pedestrian survey noted ground disturbing impacts from prior bridge construction and utility installation. In particular, extensive fill sections are present to elevate the roadway over flood plains of the Sandies Creek. Subsequent to the pedestrian survey, backhoe trenching was conducted within the proposed area of new ROW immediately east of the existing ROW. The observations from both the pedestrian survey and subsurface testing revealed no archeological materials or features.

A TxDOT archeologist evaluated the potential for the proposed undertaking to affect archeological historic properties (36 CFR 800.16(l)) or State Antiquities Landmarks (13 TAC 26.12) for the proposed FM 190 roadway improvement and bridge replacement project. Based on the combined pedestrian survey of the backhoe trenching, no archeological sites or materials were observed in the proposed project areas. In addition, the majority of the APE had been substantively impacted by prior transportation construction and utilities. Based on these observed impacts and the results of the survey, any sites in the APE would likely lack sufficient integrity of location, association, and materials to be able to address important questions of prehistory or history (36CFR60.4 and would not be considered eligible for listing to the NRHP (36 CFR 60.4) or for designation as a SAL (13 TAC 26.8) and no further work is warranted for the project area.

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