"Phase One Cultural Resource/Archaeological Investigation Results, Nort" by John G. Hodgson


John G. Hodgson


Texas Historical Commission


The following report describes the results field and literature research conducted as part of a Phase One Cultural Resource/Archaeological Investigation requested by Stantec Consulting Services Inc., (Stantec) on behalf of Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern) for a proposed pipeline and future location of a planned compressor station and interconnect station to be located south of US Interstate 10 in rural Pecos County, Texas.

In compliance with requirements of Federal (Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act) and applicable elements of Texas State laws (Texas Statues 138.40, 138.665, and 116B), a Phase I Cultural Resources (intensive survey) study was made for the Project area to investigate the presence or absence of archeological materials. Since the Project is on stateowned land, a Texas Antiquities Field Study Permit was approved by Texas Historical Commission (Permit # 8038).

The majority of the Project corridor is located in the Trans-Pecos area. A portion of the surveyed area includes an existing roadway and utility line corridors that have been previously graded and heavily disturbed from the excavation and installation of these facilities during the latter half of the 20th century. No standing structures are present in the immediate Project corridor.

The described investigation identified two rock pile/cairn human grave size surface features that are located in the original environmental buffer zone. These features are not identified as graves but are the size and type of other grave examples seen by the Principal Investigator (John G. Hodgson).

Following consultation with Northern and THC, the Project area was redefined to exclude the general area of the rock pile/cairn features from the environmental buffer area. The cairn piles are now located more than 100 feet from the nearest construction workspace and are on the opposite side of the road from any construction related activity. The locations have both been reported to Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory (TARL) and assigned the trinomial archaeological site numbers 41-PC-0821 (Feature 1) and 41-PC-0822 (Feature 2). The sites were not investigated beyond identification as archaeological features. As a result, both sites been reported to TARL and having “undetermined” NRHP eligibility.

The two features are outside of the area proposed for ground disturbance and will not be physically affected by the proposed Project activities. To protect the two features, Northern will place “no project access” signs along the western side of the access road prior to the start of construction. No construction-related traffic will be allowed on the west side of the road.

Aside from these two features, the survey did not locate any archaeological or historic cultural resources within the Project area. Based on study findings, the current Project design will have no effect on historic properties. As a result of the investigation, the principal investigator recommends that no further archaeological or cultural resource investigations be required prior to proceeding with planned construction for the described Project.

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