"Caddo Ceramic Assemblage from a Site Across the Road from the Millsey " by Timothy K. Perttula


Journal of Northeast Texas Archeology




In archaeological investigations by Jones at the Nadaco Caddo Millsey Williamson site (41RK3), he identified a burial area on the western tip of an alluvial terrace landform on the east side of Martin Creek, as well as a village area to the east. The burial area and the village area were separated by a road, a paved segment of the 19th century Trammel’s Trace. Trammel’s Trace was an Anglo–American version of the aboriginal Caddo Trace “that led from the Hasinai Caddo settlements in East Texas to the Kadohadacho settlements on the Red River in the general area of Texarkana, Texas, and its route is fairly well known because the historic 19th–century Trammel’s Trace followed its route through northeastern Texas." The collection of ceramic sherds discussed in this article are from the village, namely the site area across [and to the east] from the Millsey Williamson historic Caddo cemetery; they are in the collections of the Gregg County Historical Museum. A number of the sherds were collected from this area before 1945 by a Mr. C. W. Bailey, who donated them to Buddy Jones for study.

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