

Texas Historical Commission


During February 2016, Goshawk Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Goshawk) conducted one cultural resources survey within the Eagle Ford Play, Central Eagle Ford Zone at the request of EOG Resources, Inc. (EOG). The project subjected to cultural resources investigation was the proposed Denali Unit #101H Access Road right-of-way (ROW). The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the project was a 75-foot (23-meter [m]) wide ROW, consisting of a 50-foot (15-m) wide permanent easement and a 25-foot (8-m) wide temporary construction easement. The investigation was conducted by Goshawk archeologist Phil Schoch with Bear Aspra. Phil Schoch served as primary author and Reign Clark and Ron Ralph served as contributing authors for this report of investigation.

The cultural resources survey was performed according to Council of Texas Archeologists survey standards; in compliance with the Texas Historical Commission’s (THC) Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 26, Section 27; and under the general guidelines of the Register of Professional Archaeologists. Site files on the THC’s Archeological Sites Atlas website database were consulted prior to the commencement of the field effort for previously recorded site locations; references to previous archeological surveys undertaken; and place names of interest in the vicinity of the proposed projects.

Streams potentially under the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdiction that cross the APE were assessed by an ecologist via desktop and field reviews prior to commencement of the cultural resources survey. As per the established procedure of due diligence, any segment of an APE that falls within an area potentially under federal jurisdiction, or any portion of an APE that falls within a 328-foot (100-m) radius of a known cultural site, would be subjected to a cultural resources survey. Any segment of an APE to be surveyed under this protocol was labeled as a “review area”.

Four shovel tests were placed within the established review area during the cultural resources survey. Shovel testing and surface survey did not identify any significant cultural deposits within the survey area. Based on these results, it is Goshawk’s opinion that no cultural resources will be impacted by construction within the surveyed portion of the ROW. Goshawk recommends that the project be allowed to proceed as planned, with the caveat that construction be limited to the surveyed ROW. In the unlikely event that cultural resources (including human remains) are discovered, all construction or maintenance activities should be immediately halted and both the USACE and an archeologist should be notified.

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