

Jon Budd


Texas Historical Commission


On March 3, 2016, SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of new bridge installation and associated roadway approaches (approximating 1 acre) along Barton Oaks Drive in Bastrop County, Texas. These investigations for the Austin District were conducted for the proposed bridge replacement across Bartons Creek. The work was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 United States Code 306108) and the Antiquities Code of Texas (9 Natural Resources Code 191). Jon Budd served as Principal Investigator under Texas Antiquities Code Permit No. 7555.

The area of potential effects (APE) comprises new and existing right-of-way (ROW). The survey area includes a proposed 733-foot-long by 50-foot-wide new road ROW measuring 0.84 acre. An additional 0.397 acre of new ROW is located between the existing and proposed ROW on the southwest side of the project area, and 0.545 acre of new ROW located on the northeast side of the project area between the existing and proposed roads. According to typical roadway design, the depth of impacts is estimated to be no more than 40 feet below the current ground surface for the bridge supports and no more than 6 feet for the remainder of the project. The total acreage of the APE measures approximately 2 acres.

The field investigations consisted of excavation of three backhoe trenches around the drainage crossing of Bartons Creek. All trenches revealed deep sands but were negative for cultural material. As such, no further work is recommended.

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