

Texas Historical Commission


Denton Municipal Electric (DME) contracted Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. (Burns & McDonnell) to perform a background review and cultural resources survey for the Green Valley Energy Center (Project), a proposed 132-megawatt (MW) reciprocating engine power plant located in the northern city limits of Denton near the community of Green Valley in Denton County, Texas. The following report provides information regarding the Project and includes the methods and results of the cultural resources background review and survey of a 92-acre Survey Area (Survey Area). The cultural resources survey was performed under Antiquities Permit #7443.

No previously recorded archaeological sites or designated historic resources were identified within the Survey Area during the background review. One new archaeological site, 41DN591, a twentieth century farmstead site was recorded within the Survey Area during the cultural resources survey. Burns & McDonnell recommends that site 41DN591 has very limited research potential and that it does not meet the eligibility criteria of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No further evaluation of the Survey Area is recommended.

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