

Texas Historical Commission


Intensive pedestrian survey approximately 1,000 linear feet in the vicinity of 41WB160 and 2,000 linear feet in the vicinity of 41WB358 was conducted on behalf of the City of Laredo Utilities Department in advance of the installation of a 24-inch water transmission line. Funds for the project are from the Texas Water Development Board, and Terracon is preparing an Environmental Information Document in support of the project. Accordingly, the archaeological survey and assessment was carried out in coordination with the Texas Historical Commission and under Antiquities Permit Number 7214, issued to David Yelacic.

Pedestrian survey and four shovel test excavations at each of the locations elucidated disturbances of the landscape. No cultural materials were observed on the surface or in shovel tests in proximity to 41WB160. A single chert flake observed on the surface at the boundary of 41WB358 weakly confirmed the presence of the site within its mapped boundaries, but much of the landscape in the area was clearly altered in relatively recent times. We therefore conclude that the portions of 41WB160 and 41WB358 within the current APE have been compromised by relatively recent activities. As such, we recommend that 41WB160 and 41WB358 should not be considered eligible for NRHP listing within the APE and that the proposed project be granted permission to proceed as planned.

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