

Texas Historical Commission


On behalf of Texas Eastern Transmission, LP and Edge Engineering and Science, LLC., HRA Gray & Pape, LLC, of Houston, Texas, has completed a 100% pedestrian cultural resources survey and limited shovel testing of an estimated 7.84 kilometers (4.87 miles) of linear area in Refugio and Aransas Counties, Texas. Texas Eastern has identified several locations along the PETR to TIVO Segment of Line 16 that require replacement of aging pipe. Two of the areas requiring maintenance work are identified as “Phase 2” and “Phase 3” for which the archaeological survey was completed in May of 2015.

The Lead Federal Agency has been identified as the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District. Thus the goals of the survey were to determine if land altering activities required to complete this project would affect any previously identified historic properties as defined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (36 CFR 800), and to establish whether or not previously unidentified cultural resources were located within the project’s Area of Potential Effects (Advisory Council for Historic Preservation 2004).

Initial investigation consisted of a background literature and site files search to identify the presence of recorded sites in close proximity to the project area. No previous archaeological linear or area surveys have taken place within the project area. No previously recorded archaeological sites were identified within the project area. The project is located on private property, thus an Antiquities Code of Texas Permit was not required prior to performing fieldwork. All work was conducted following accepted standards set forth by the Texas Historical Commission and the Council of Texas Archeologists.

All 7.84 kilometers (4.87 miles) of the proposed “Phase 2” and “Phase 3” pipeline replacement areas have been investigated. Fieldwork for the workspaces was completed in a single mobilization that took place from May 22 to May 29, 2015, and required 128 person hours to complete. Field investigation was conducted entirely on privately-owned properties and consisted of walkover and shovel testing within the project area. During this investigation, no cultural resources were identified or confirmed within the project’s Area of Potential Effects.

Based on the negative findings of the survey, HRA Gray & Pape, LLC. recommends that no further cultural resources work be required for the “Phase 2” and “Phase 3” portions of the project and that the project be allowed to proceed as planned within the surveyed areas.

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