"Excavations at the Early Caddo Period Mound Pond Site (41HS12) in Harr" by Glenn T. Goode, Timothy K. Perttula et al.


Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology




This publication summarizes major archaeological findings from the July 1977 excavations at the Mound Pond site (41HS12), in the Pineywoods of Harrison County, Texas. The site lies on the south, or right, bank of Big Cypress Creek in the upper reaches of Caddo Lake, approximately 4 km north of the village of Uncertain.

The Mound Pond Site was recorded by Dr. E. Mott Davis (The University of Texas at Austin) in the 1950s, during the time that he was conducting investigations at nearby Lake O’ the Pines Reservoir. Early in 1977, Forrest Murphey, of Marshall, Texas, approached Glenn Goode about assisting in a test excavation of the large mound at the site. Mr. Murphey (now deceased) had been informed that the landowners intended to build a house on the site, and that the mound would be leveled to make a flat surface. Forrest was a knowledgeable avocational archaeologist of the region, having worked for several years with Dr. Clarence H. Webb and others at the Resch site on Potters Creek south of Marshall, Texas.

In preparation for this undertaking, Goode conducted a file and library search at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL) at the University of Texas at Austin, and discussed with Dr. Dee Ann Story (director of TARL) the feasibility of attempting such an effort. It was agreed that given the circumstances of impending destruction, an attempt to learn as much as possible in the three weeks available should be made. With Murphey and Goode being the only individuals committed to the entire project, and with no money to hire a crew, they turned to both the avocational and professional communities for assistance. East Texas residents David C. (Dave) Brown of Texarkana Junior College, and Rodney Still, of Kilgore, devoted significant time and expertise to the project. Dave had considerable archaeological experience in East Texas, having worked on several projects for Southern Methodist University in the 1960s. In 1974, Rodney had worked with Goode and the Texas Highway Department at the Marshall Powder Mill excavations, and he was keenly interested in all aspects of Caddo and moundbuilder archaeology.

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