"Cultural Resources Survey Of Jp Energy Tank Facility University Lands," by Terry Burgess


Terry Burgess


Texas Historical Commission


In January 2015, TAS Inc. conducted a pedestrian survey of a 26.1 acre tank facility in northern Crockett County. The tract lies in uplands near the head of Buckhorn Draw, situated west of and adjacent to Texas Highway 163. The town of Barnhart is 7.7 miles to the north. The proposed tract is in University Lands Block 41, Sections 9 and 16. The survey was sponsored by JP Energy as part of their permitting process to install a tank facility on University Lands and was authorized by Texas Antiquities Permit 7134, Jeff Turpin, Principal Investigator. The survey area consists of upland mesquite and scrub flats just east of the upper stretches of Buckhorn Draw. No evidence of significant historic or prehistoric occupation or use was found by intensive survey of the 26.1 acre tract. Therefore, cultural resources do not present an obstacle to the installation of the proposed tank facility.

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